On 6/18/2010 4:26 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> Hi,
> we'we discovered a small bug related to mount points which has appeared
> in some recent windows client.  Testing with 1.5.74;  mount points
> cannot be created
> neither from the explorer shell nor from the command prompt if referring to
> an UNC path.  This worked with older clients (like 1.5.59).
> Mapping the afs path to a drive letter and then make a mount point works.
> It's the UNC path that makes it fail.
> Is this a known bug or should we file a bug report?
> -- Ragge

I just tried:

[C:\src\openafs\stresstest]fs mkm \\afs\yfs\user\jaltman\dementia
root.cell -cell dementia.org

[C:\src\openafs\stresstest]fs lsm \\afs\yfs\user\jaltman\dementia
'\\afs\yfs\user\jaltman\dementia' is a mount point for volume

Can you be more specific about the problem you are experiencing?

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