Jeffrey Altman wrote:
On 6/18/2010 4:26 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:

we'we discovered a small bug related to mount points which has appeared
in some recent windows client.  Testing with 1.5.74;  mount points
cannot be created
neither from the explorer shell nor from the command prompt if referring to
an UNC path.  This worked with older clients (like 1.5.59).

Mapping the afs path to a drive letter and then make a mount point works.
It's the UNC path that makes it fail.

Is this a known bug or should we file a bug report?

-- Ragge

I just tried:

[C:\src\openafs\stresstest]fs mkm \\afs\yfs\user\jaltman\dementia
root.cell -cell

[C:\src\openafs\stresstest]fs lsm \\afs\yfs\user\jaltman\dementia
'\\afs\yfs\user\jaltman\dementia' is a mount point for volume

Can you be more specific about the problem you are experiencing?
No problem; H: is my home directory:

H:\>fs mkm AAAA staff.ragge

H:\>fs rmm AAAA

H:\>fs mkm \\afs\\staff\r\ragge\AAAA staff.ragge
fs: mount points must be created within the AFS file system

H:\>fs --version

-- Ragge

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