On Jul 31, 2011, at 14:51, Aaron Knister <aar...@umbc.edu> wrote:

> There's a server that was decommissioned many moons ago that I'm trying to 
> delete. The problem is there's a volume still associated with it [1], a RO 
> volume at that. When I attempt to remove the volume usin its volume id I get 
> this message:
> --BEGIN--
> Could not delete entry for volume 536988828
> You must specify a RW volume name or ID (the entire VLDB entry will be 
> deleted)

so, what happened when you tried that?

> VLDB: no such entry
> Deleted 0 VLDB entries
> --END--
> Here's the output of vos listvldb -server for the server in question:
> --BEGIN--
> VLDB entries for server 
> g.ilin22.local 
>     ROnly: 536988828 
>     number of sites -> 1
>        server partition /vicepa RO Site 
> Total entries: 1
> --END--
> To make matters more interesting, there's another volume of the same name but 
> with a different volume ID.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> -Aaron
> -- 
> Aaron Knister
> Systems Administrator
> Division of Information Technology
> University of Maryland, Baltimore County
> aar...@umbc.edu

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