On Fri, 10 Sep 2021 06:23:23 -0700
deb...@lewenberg.com wrote:

> I have two Debian servers: one is buster and one is bullseye. They both 
> run the openafs-client service. When I run "gbp buildpackage mypackage" 
> it completes successfully on both servers as long as the directory where 
> I run "gbp" is _not_ in AFS. If I run "gbp" in an AFS directory it 
> completes successfully on the buster server but fails almost immediately 
> if run on the bullseye server.

Have you checked /afs is mounted inside the chroot pbuilder creates?
See BINDMOUNTS in your pbuilderrc(5).


ceterum censeo microsoftem esse delendam.

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