
There was a thread about /afs/.git hanging back in 2014 which ended up with a work around from Jonathan Billings:


Basically, he suggested setting GIT_CEILING_DIRECTORIES ( https://git-scm.com/docs/git/2.35.2#Documentation/git.txt-codeGITCEILINGDIRECTORIEScode ) environmental variable and limit git's search.

In the same thread, a blacklist (or whitelist) of cell names was suggested to prevent afsdb queries for troublesome domains but it seems it never got implemented.


On 27/08/2022 00.13, Ingo van Lil wrote:
Hello OpenAFS experts,

is there any way to run an AFS client with both the -dynroot and -afsdb
options, but still limit the /afs mount point to known cells
(specifically: only my home cell)?

Longer explanation of my problem:

When I run "git status" somewhere inside the AFS hierarchy it freezes
for a minute or two. git tries to access the directory /afs/.git, and I
see that afsd sends multiple DNS requests to the loopback address Not sure why it does that, it seems to be somehow related to
systemd-resolved in Fedora Linux.

Running without -dynroot solves the issue, but according to the manual
it will keep my machine from booting in case my home cell can't be
contacted. Not very attractive.

Running without -afsdb solves the issue. That's what I do now, but it
requires to manually specify the servers for my home cell in CellServDB.
Ideally I'd like to get that info from DNS.

Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!


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