On 8/27/2022 4:34 AM, Harald Barth (h...@kth.se) wrote:

But wait a moment... Can't we assume that all cell names that we
ask in DNS contain at least one dot "." in the middle? I doubt
that there are AFS cells named without dot that we need to
resolve with DNS. What do you think about that?

Please keep in mind that /afs/.git might be a cell whose alias is "git" or that "git" is to be combined with a domain in the DNS search list.

I seem to remember seeing many paths of the form /afs/cs/ or /afs/ece/ where the full cell names were cs.cmu.edu or ece.cmu.edu.

A question for the original poster is "what are the DNS queries that are being issued to the DNS resolver at

Jeffrey Altman

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