Here's a POB (plain old bug) in the latest source code:

   echo "[Cl+]" | babel -i smi -o can

The SMILES specification says that no matter what is inside of the brackets for 
an atom, it can't be changed.  Hydrogens and charge in particular, no matter 
whether they make sense or not, must not be altered.  If I specify something 
like [Cl+], it means a weirdly charged Cl atom (maybe I'm a high-vacuum 
physicist describing an ion stream...).  You can't add hydrogens or change the 
charge on atoms that were in brackets in the input SMILES.

     "If no "Hn" is specified, it is identical to H0."

     "The number of attached hydrogens is shown by the symbol H followed
     by an optional digit. Similarly, a formal charge is shown by one of
     the symbols + or -, followed by an optional digit. If unspecified,
     the number of attached hydrogens and charge are assumed to be zero
      for an atom inside brackets."


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