On 05/10/2010 01:40, Craig A. James wrote:
> Here's a POB (plain old bug) in the latest source code:
>     echo "[Cl+]" | babel -i smi -o can
>     [ClH+]

This is not what I get with the latest code, which seems to work ok 
(illustrated here using a recently-added entry style for SMILES strings):

   obabel -:[Cl+] -ocan
   1 molecule converted

   obabel "-:[ClH6++] rubbish" "-:[H].[H+].[H-] more rubbish" -ocan
   [ClH6+2]        rubbish
   [H].[H+].[H-]   more rubbish
   2 molecules converted

Is your BABEL_DATADIR environment variable pointing to the right place?


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