O , 2012-05-15 14:20 -0400, David Lonie rakstīja:
> On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 2:02 PM, Igor Filippov [Contr] <
> filipp...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:
> > > (master) $ git checkout -b myNewBranch
> > > (myNewBranch) $ emacs someSourceCode.cpp #edit
> > > (myNewBranch) $ git commit
> > > (myNewBranch) $ git checkout master
> > > (master) $ git merge myNewBranch
> >
> > One important detail is the commit doesn't actually commit anything -
> > everything is still on your local disk. The remote repository will
> > remain blissfully unaware of your modifications. YMMV but for me it was
> > one of the biggest disappointments that to get the stuff back into main
> > repo one has to jump through some non-obvious steps.
> I have the classic "that's a feature, not a bug" feeling about that ;-) Not
> having to run every commit through a remote server means that you can still
> be very productive, even in the absence of an internet connection.
> A lot of the projects I've been working on lately utilize the gerrit review
> board system. For instance, all new code that goes into avogadro must pass
> through this gerrit instance:
> http://review.source.kitware.com/#/q/status:open+project:avogadro,n,z
> This makes sure that all code is checked by another set of eyes and tested
> before being committed to master, and, in relation to the above, Marcus has
> written some handy git aliases to make it easier to push changes upstream:
> "git prepush" shows a log of the commits that will be pushed to the review
> board, and "git gerrit-push" pushes the current branch to gerrit. It's
> quite easy to use, and gets rid of a lot of the syntactic sugar otherwise
> needed to do a remote push in git.
> Dave

IMO simple push in git is very simple, more cumbersome is to post to
gerrit or make pull requests. It is nothing difficult but for sure they
need to be documented, tough that holds for any system. Working with
gerrit I would call non-obvious, but that is maybe because I haven't
used it.

Committing locally is the central concept for distributed source control
systems, if one is aware of it, there shouldn't be any unmet


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