> I assume it works like this that OB determines the atom type to be HO (H 
> bound to O).

No, no. This file is like a big translation dictionary. It says "if an atom 
type comes in from a PCModel file with atom type X," that's equivalent to .. 
well, everything on that row. Obviously, this need not be a one to one mapping. 
HO is a particularly good example, since I think PCModel has the "MMX" force 
field and separates between different types of HO hydrogens -- sorry I can't 
find the MMX atom type list right now.

So we could, in principal, have the internal atom types as a superset of all 
atom types, but I think this is a bit crazy.

If you want the internal atom typing rules, see data/atomtyp.txt (particularly 

Hope that helps,
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