Hi David,

thank you for your reply. I tested your code that assigns a sp2 hybridisation 
to a N as e.g. in azete (in mol.cpp), and it solves the incorrect bond orders.

However, I think that this is a general problem: I have numerous compounds that 
get incorrect bond orders and that end up with a different charge than 
specified in the Gaussian output file (like e.g. sulfite and sulfur trioxide). 
I think it might be a good idea to have somewhere a general "charge check”. 
(Maybe there is and I miss to use it? I checked whether OB is getting the 
specified charge and it seems to get it.)

For example, it would be great if there is a function that checks (i) the 
charge of the compound (or whether it is a radical) and (ii) the sum of bond 
orders to a certain atom (I guess that is done with GetExplicitValence()). If a 
compound is neutral (and not a radical) and ends up with e.g. a C that only has 
three single bonds, this should be somehow corrected.

Is there any way to do this with the existing OB functions, i.e. without 
changing the code?

With kind regards,

On 5 Jun 2021, at 01:42, David Koes <dk...@pitt.edu<mailto:dk...@pitt.edu>> 

Hi Madeleine,

It might be helpful to start a GitHub Issue where you upload example files.

I believe the main issue here is Gaussian files do not contain bond information 
and so OpenBabel has to infer them with ConnectTheDots (identifying bonding 
atoms) and PerceiveBondOrders. These functions have a lot of ad hoc heuristics 
to try to figure out the right answer from perhaps inadequate information.

The failure with azete is in PerceiveBondOrders where a C=C double bond is 
preferred over the C=N bond because no hybridization was set on the N. 
Specifically, line 3494 in mol.cpp:
               if ( (b->GetHyb() == 2 || b->GetExplicitDegree() == 1)
                    && b->GetExplicitValence() + 1 <= static_cast<unsigned 
                    && (GetBond(atom, b))->IsDoubleBondGeometry()
                    && (currentElNeg > maxElNeg || 
(IsApprox(currentElNeg,maxElNeg, 1.0e-6)) ) )

b is the N, which is a neighbor atom of the C that is under consideration.  The 
b->GetHyb() == 2 check fails, so the C=C is formed instead of C=N to get the 
valence to add up.

The hybridization of the N isn't set because the angle is too small for the 
hybridization estimation code (lines 3204-3224) to set it:

       if (angle > 155.0)
       else if (angle <= 155.0 && angle > 115.0)

       // special case for imines
       if (atom->GetAtomicNum() == OBElements::Nitrogen
           && atom->ExplicitHydrogenCount() == 1
           && atom->GetExplicitDegree() == 2
           && angle > 109.5)

We could extend this with:
       else if(atom->GetAtomicNum() == OBElements::Nitrogen
        && atom->GetExplicitDegree() == 2
&& atom->IsInRing()) //azete

and this particular problem is fixed.  It isn't clear to me if a less stringent 
criteria can't be applied.

David Koes

Associate Professor
Computational & Systems Biology
University of Pittsburgh

On 6/3/21 11:13 AM, Marie-Madeleine Walz wrote:
I would like to share another example that illustrates that OB does not seem to 
take charges into account when assigning bonds.
Processing azete (neutral) using a Gaussian output file with OB, I obtain the 
following charged azete analog.
Is there any part in the code that should take care of charges when assigning 
With kind regards,
On 28 May 2021, at 11:41, Marie-Madeleine Walz 
<mailto:marie-madeleine.w...@icm.uu.se>> wrote:


I’m working on processing Gaussian output files (g09) with OB to set bond 

I noticed that the compound's charge information does not seem to be taken into 
account when setting bond orders.

For example, I obtain for neutral compounds structures that are charged, e.g. 
carbon atoms with only three single bonds, or nitrogens with only two bonds.

One of the most obvious examples is sulfite (SO_3^(2-)) vs. sulfur trioxide 
Both have their bond orders coded in bondtyp.txt.

# Sulfite
[#16D3]([#8D1])([#8D1-])([#8D1-]) 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 3 1
# Sulfur trioxide
[#16D3]([#8D1])([#8D1])([#8D1]) 0 1 2 0 2 2 0 3 2

However, OB does not recognise sulfite as charged, and instead it assigns three 
double bonds (i.e. it uses the sulfur trioxide definition).

If I remove the charge information from the sulfite SMARTS structure, it 
assigns the correct bond order. However, obviously, sulfur trioxide is also 
assigned this bond order as now the SMARTS structures are identical.

# Sulfite
[#16D3]([#8D1])([#8D1])([#8D1]) 0 1 2 0 2 1 0 3 1

Any ideas on how to solve this issue are highly appreciated.

With kind regards,
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