Hi Madeleine,

There is also a data file for ring types. That might help you fix the problem 
with small rings. 




> On Jun 8, 2021, at 8:15 AM, Marie-Madeleine Walz 
> <marie-madeleine.w...@icm.uu.se> wrote:
> Hi David,
> thank you for your advice regarding using AssignTotalChargeToAtoms. Adding it 
> resulted in less errors in the bond order assignment.
> Unfortunately, it did not remove e.g. the error with sulfite (SO3^2-) that is 
> still getting three double bonds.
> Another issue is that some of the small rings (e.g. thiirene, C2H2S) are not 
> recognised as rings.
> This is really confusing as the coordinates fullfil the requirement set in 
> mol.cpp, ConnectTheDots(), lines 3027-3028:
> // bonded if closer than elemental Rcov + tolerance
>            cutoff = SQUARE(rad[j] + rad[k] + 0.45);
> If you have any advice I would really appreciate it.
> With kind regards,
> Madeleine
>> On 7 Jun 2021, at 15:34, David Koes <dk...@pitt.edu> wrote:
>> There is AssignTotalChargeToAtoms which is called when parsing the gamess 
>> format, but not, apparently, gaussian.
>> Again, if you could upload examples of failures to a GitHub Issue (or even 
>> better, start a pull request with failing tests added to the testing 
>> framework) that would be helpful.
>> David Koes
>> Associate Professor
>> Computational & Systems Biology
>> University of Pittsburgh
>> On 6/7/21 8:22 AM, Marie-Madeleine Walz wrote:
>>> Hi David,
>>> thank you for your reply. I tested your code that assigns a sp2 
>>> hybridisation to a N as e.g. in azete (in mol.cpp), and it solves the 
>>> incorrect bond orders.
>>> However, I think that this is a general problem: I have numerous compounds 
>>> that get incorrect bond orders and that end up with a different charge than 
>>> specified in the Gaussian output file (like e.g. sulfite and sulfur 
>>> trioxide). I think it might be a good idea to have somewhere a general 
>>> "charge check”. (Maybe there is and I miss to use it? I checked whether OB 
>>> is getting the specified charge and it seems to get it.)
>>> For example, it would be great if there is a function that checks (i) the 
>>> charge of the compound (or whether it is a radical) and (ii) the sum of 
>>> bond orders to a certain atom (I guess that is done with 
>>> GetExplicitValence()). If a compound is neutral (and not a radical) and 
>>> ends up with e.g. a C that only has three single bonds, this should be 
>>> somehow corrected.
>>> Is there any way to do this with the existing OB functions, i.e. without 
>>> changing the code?
>>> With kind regards,
>>> Madeleine
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