Hi Peter,

indeed, this helps to understand the syntax!


But still, I get no xlock on suspending.

This is GENERIC.MP#121 amd64


pyrrha(p1)| ls -l /etc/apm/suspend
-rwxr--r--  1 root  wheel  28 Jun  2 21:03 /etc/apm/suspend

pyrrha(p1)| cat /etc/apm/suspend
pkill -USR1 xidle

What am I doing wrong?


> pkill does take -USR1 as an option, but it is slightly stealthily mentioned.
>      -signal
>              A non-negative decimal number or symbolic signal name specifying
>              the signal to be sent instead of the default TERM.  This option
>              is valid only when given as the first argument to pkill.
> USR1 is a signal.  If you read the man page sigaction(2), it has a list
> of possible signals.  In this case, SIGUSR1 is described as
> "user defined signal 1", which some programs use for specific events.
> xidle does have support for SIGUSR1:
>      xidle uses the XScreenSaver(3) extension to receive inactivity events
>      when a timeout is specified, running a specific program after the elapsed
>      time.  xidle will also run the program if it is sent a SIGUSR1 signal, or
>      if the pointer sits in a corner of the screen for an amount of time.
>      Signal and corner locking are always enabled, whether -timeout is
>      specified or not.
> And so when xidle receives the USR1 signal, it immediately triggers the
> screensaver program.
> So, when apmd receives the "suspend event" it will run the
> /etc/apm/suspend script.  This script sends the SIGUSR1 signal to the
> xidle program.  xidle receives the signal, and since it has a special
> behaviour for SIGUSR1, it then runs the specified screensaver program
> xlock.
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