> Uli: With this exceptional amount of replies 
> regarding my first stab at Dave/HAL, I guess 
> we don't have any non-Mac programming people 
> on the list anymore, right?

Alain: Is it possible and/or ethical to get a list of
our members from our mail-server? It would be great if
we can get to know each and every FC member in a
little bit more detail. Concretely, it could take the
form of a  skills/interests profile, or something like

> Uli: I guess then I'll have to go out and 
> get some people to help us, eh?

Alain: We definitely need more members if we want to
become/remain viable. That was part of my motivation
behind my Squeak lobbying.

> Uli: Is anybody against me hitting the bush 
> a bit in a few newsgroups so we can start 
> looking for some people who'd like to help us?

Alain: Be careful, though. Asking for people from
Jacque's HC-List, for example, would be acrimonious,
eh! Other groups are perhaps as 'protective' of their
members, too. But you know all of this of course.

> Uli: They'd probably want to know what license
> it'll be put under, which means I'd need a word
> on whether I can tell them it'll be the FreeCard
> license I recently put up.

Alain: I like it. Adrian likes it. You like it. I am
almost certain that Anthony likes it too. Eric will
accept anything we choose, as long as we do not choose
not-to-decide. The issue has had weeks of air-time
without any serious objections being raised. It is
thus safe to say that the licence you speak of is the
one we are going to use ... without voting ... by
consensus!  ;-)

> Adrian: I'll take a look at it under Linux - 
> but I'm still not exceptionally familiar
> with C++ libraries so I'm probably not much use. 
> I'm also very pressed for time.

Alain: I would have thought that Java, in and of
itself, would keep you so busy that you would have
little time for anything else (programming-wise). 

> Adrian: I'd go looking for people and I'm
> happy with the GPL + exception licence 
> you were talking about.

Alain: Go for it, Uli. Let's act now. We have our
(excellent) licence, and we need more (hard-working)!

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