on 17/3/00 9:03 AM, Alain Farmer at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Uli: With this exceptional amount of replies
>> regarding my first stab at Dave/HAL, I guess
>> we don't have any non-Mac programming people
>> on the list anymore, right?
> Alain: Is it possible and/or ethical to get a list of
> our members from our mail-server? It would be great if
> we can get to know each and every FC member in a
> little bit more detail. Concretely, it could take the
> form of a  skills/interests profile, or something like
> that. 

Adrian: This is one advantage SourceForge will give us - a publicly
available list of developers/members (which is different to the people
subscribed to the list).

>> Adrian: I'll take a look at it under Linux -
>> but I'm still not exceptionally familiar
>> with C++ libraries so I'm probably not much use.
>> I'm also very pressed for time.
> Alain: I would have thought that Java, in and of
> itself, would keep you so busy that you would have
> little time for anything else (programming-wise).

Adrian: Java is so 1900's. :P  Nope, this year C is the language to know for
my course.  Speaking of which, that assignments due next week...  Sigh.  I'm
also doing Software Engineering - and for the record, we're doing it
entirely wrong in this group.  Build requirements first, get requirements
precisely correct and written unambiguously then code.  Oh well, I don't see
any other opensource group doing it "the right way" either.

>> Adrian: I'd go looking for people and I'm
>> happy with the GPL + exception licence
>> you were talking about.
> Alain: Go for it, Uli. Let's act now. We have our
> (excellent) licence, and we need more (hard-working)!
> people. 

Adrian: Bringing me to my next bit of news.  Each semester I do a 5CP
advanced studies project - this semester it will extend my Natural Language
Processing subject.  Hmm, FreeScript is based on natural language.  :)  I
have a meeting about this in half an hour, but I think I'll be making
writing the parser part of my course.  I would be heading to take FreeScript
even closer to natural language, but that probably won't happen this
semester.  Here's an example of what I'd like to see:
I'd like to call cd btn 1 "Fred"  -- set the name of cd btn 1 to "Fred" or
even better #define Fred cd btn 1 (aliases within scripts)

move Fred to the top,left corner of the screen and make it hilited.  -- Set
the loc of cd btn 1 to 0,0 (if the loc was the topleft of a button); set the
hilite of cd btn 1 to true.

Adrian: This won't happen this semester though - and possibly not at all.
Do remember though that this won't slow down execution because everything
will be converted to NullCPU assembly which the interpreter then interprets.
You could in effect use different compilers for FreeCard just like you can
use Interpreters in HC.

Adrian: More info on this will follow - the project is meant to take 65
hours to complete.  (I already owe 15 to the project and I haven't even
finalised it yet...)  This means that the project is likely to be cut down,
but hopefully I will be able to keep it generic enough so that I can expand
it to be useful to FreeCard.

Adrian: Final note, Alain, you're HyperTalk syntax specifications will be
invaluable.  Thank you. :)

Adrian Sutton

Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                    Ph: 3714 4649
Don't go around saying the world owes you a living.
The world owe's you nothing - it was here first.
        -- Mark Twain.

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