Adrian: Netscape seems to think that the HTML pages on
the FreeCard Website are of type
"application/octet-stream" and so won't display them.

Alain: I have the same problem with Netscape, but
everything is fine with MS-Explorer. Go figure??

Alain: This is somewhat 'heretical' because I swear
off MS products as a rule, but their web browser is
actually quite good. From recent experience, Explorer
is better and simpler than Netscape's offering.

Adrian: Could you check the MIME type settings in the

Alain: If this was really the case, then why do the
web pages work fine with Explorer? At first, I thought
it was because I upgraded to the most recent version
of Netscape (4.7.2), but my reliable 4.6 is not
working either, nor is my aging 4.5. Perhaps the
simultaneous presence of Netscape and Explorer might
be a culprit, but the other server only has Netscape
installed, yet also has the problem. I have used my
recent Norton Anti-Virus software to detect any
'anomalies' that might have crept in. It is not
reporting anything suspect, but that does not
necessarily mean that my system is not infected (e.g.
by some new mutant strain of virus that has not been
detected yet and/or targets 
Netscape in particular). Then again, perhaps it is
merely someone in our group who changed the
creator/type of our web pages while editing them, but
this last hypothesis does not explain why Explorer has
no trouble with our pages.

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