
I just wanted to give the few remaining folks here a little cheer-up. Thanks for still dealing with that hardware and trying to maintain / hack on the driver! I am still using some chipsets (mainly CLE266 and CN700) so I definitely appreciate it. I even remember the early days when Openchrome wasn't even born and it was mainly Luc's code iirc running on a CLE266. Sadly I am no developer, just user and can't contribute much besides maybe an occasional bug report.

A release update would be quite nice. Probably not everybody is aware or able to use of the possibilities of git code. (Back in the svn(?) days I used that option from time to time.) But the tutorial is a good idea. It might be helpful, though, to put it on the project page for everybody to see and thus to get more users into testing "unreleased" code (if they dare :) ).

Any maybe, one day we even might see KMS for the VIA GPUs. ;)

Cheers and thanks for the work

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