On 21/06/2011 10:04, Heather Leslie wrote:
> Hi Erik, Thomas,
> I think we need to address three issues separately here. The first is 
> the archetype identification in CKM; the second is use of the draft 
> archetypes and the third, the apparent lack of progress of archetype 
> publication in the openEHR CKM.
> Archetype identification is ultimately a technical issue and one in 
> which I normally don't have an opinion. Clearly it is useful from an 
> implementation point of view to have unique IDs for each archetype and 
> be able to determine diffs etc. However, from a non-technical point of 
> view I believe that it is extremely helpful to clearly delineate 
> between early/alpha/raw models and the mature ones that have been 
> published, more than just by a 'status' or icon, although we need 
> these too.
> I'm increasingly of the opinion that it will be helpful to have a 
> common understanding that the first published version of an archetype 
> in CKM is always known as v1.0, such that if we eventually find we are 
> using v4.x we (the non-technical) can easily infer that this is a 
> published archetype that has undergone 3 major updates. This is very 
> valuable to the non-techies who will be using CKM. Otherwise we run 
> the risk of having a release set that will contain wildly disparate 
> version numbers and will infer no idea of the state/maturity of the 
> archetypes
> To be honest, how we version the pre-published, currently known as 
> 'draft' archetypes doesn't worry me -- v0.x seems sensible in light of 
> the previous statements but if you have a better way to approach it, 
> I'm cool with that.

so I think this is compatible with:

  * a v0 rule that says start at v0.n.m, and go to v1.x.y on first
  * a lifecycle set of states whose names we still need to agree on, but
    could be something like:
      o alpha, beta, published, obsolete, superseded
  * the semver.org rules, which would allow versions like v0.0.1 but
    also v1.0.4beta

I will look at updating the current openEHR artefact specification to 
reflect this.

- thomas

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