On 12/07/2011 08:15, Sebastian Garde wrote:
>> so I think this is compatible with:
>>   * a v0 rule that says start at v0.n.m, and go to v1.x.y on first
>>     'publication'
>>   * a lifecycle set of states whose names we still need to agree on,
>>     but could be something like:
>>       o alpha, beta, published, obsolete, superseded
>>   * the semver.org rules, which would allow versions like v0.0.1 but
>>     also v1.0.4beta
>> I will look at updating the current openEHR artefact specification to 
>> reflect this.
>> - thomas
> Thomas and all,
> Changing the version number of the archetype just before publication 
> is not the right thing to do I believe.

Just to try to add some better reference points to this discussion, I 
think that 'publication' has to be seen as being equivalent to 'release' 
for software. I.e. an event by which a group of artefact authors (= 
'committers' + reviewers in the open source software world) decides that 
the artefacts are 'ready to go'.

> This means you are doing the review process on the old id (v0, v1, v2, 
> etc.) and this means that we are required to make incompatible changes 
> to the old already published archetype [unless it is v0 of course], 
> i.e. while it still has the old archetype id.
> This is something to avoid at all costs I believe.

ok, so the two approaches here are:

  * perform work on artefacts at old version number, then change version
    number post-approval, but prior to actual release
  * change version number to the target new version number, set
    lifecycle state to 'alpha' or similar, and then publish/release with
    same version number, when lifecycle state has cycled through to
    'published' or 'approved' or whatever we call it.

Normally software development does follow the second path, although a 
lot of software development uses the 0.x version numbering scheme in the 
initial development phase to indicate: 'warning changing fast, don't 
trust this!'. I have to admit I am not completely sure what 'rules' are 
being followed (if any) by users of this de facto 0.x versioning 
identification, but it seems to me that they usually move from somethine 
like 0.95 to 1.0 to indicate that 'now you can trust the interface of 
this, and we will be maintain backward compatibility according to 
accepted norms'.

Now, our / my motivation for using a v0 version id was to indicate 'not 
approved' or 'alpha'. So if we did start with v0.x and apply consistent 
rules, it would mean that a 'published' v0.x artefact was by definition 
not 'approved'. This tells me that *the use of the word 'published' is 
misleading among CKM authors, and we should instead use a word like 
'approved' for the intended life-cycle state*. in software, the usual 
think is 'alpha' => 'beta' => '' (nothing, i.e. no lifecycle name), 
because the idea is that once your software artefacts have been approved 
or passed QA, you want a 'clean' version id, one with no letter hanging 
off it.

So my adjusted proposal would be that:

 1. we do stick to the idioms used in software, and that Sebastian
    mentions, i.e. that changing lifecycle states are always applied to
    the same version id, which is the next version id (not the old one);
 2. we define a lifecycle consisting of states
      * *alpha, beta, in_review, approved, obsolete, superseded*
 3. we do not use the word 'published' to mean 'approved' - instead, we
    should just understand it informally, meaning 'made public'. Since a
    repository like CKM is essentially open all the time anyway, all
    changes are visible at all times (possibly on branch versions).
 4. during any execution of the lifecycle, any change made that is
    committed back to the 'trunk' version of the repository has to cause
    an appropriate version number change, according to teh semver rules
    (except for v0, see next point). This means that the series of
    versions in a single 'cycle' could be:
      * v1.0.0 alpha, v1.0.1 alpha, v1.0.2 beta, v1.1.0 beta, v1.1.0
        beta, v1.2.0 in review, v1.2.0 approved
          * note that this should not be the norm, because the
            development team should have planned for v1.2.x in the first
            place, but .... humans are not perfect....
 5. we consider allowing v0.x versions for early, furious development in
    which the semver.org rules are not rigorously applied (i.e. any
    changes are allowed no matter how violent, with v0.x). This would
    correspond to Heather's 'play at own risk' warning, similar to the
    typical v0.5 you see on early software.

These rules (rule 4 in particular) would mean that you can use just the 
version number part to mechanistically infer the kind of changes made at 
each point, but you have to look for the lifecycle state to know about 
quality. The alternative is that we ruthlessly apply the whole lifecycle 
to each patch, minor ('revision') and major version, which is also 
common enough in the software world. I am unsure if archetype authors 
think they could / would stick to such a discipline.

I also am unsure of whether we should allow the appending of lifecycle 
state to version id where the latter is references, e.g. '1.0.7beta', 
because we just got rid of this idea a couple of years ago in openEHR, 
where 'v1draft' was originally allowed. Certainly we would not want 
'v1.0.0approved', only 'v1.0.0', or probably more usefully, just 'v1'.

The real question here is about where the version id is mentioned, e.g. 
in data. Currently archetype version ids are written into the data, but 
not the lifecycle state. But if someone were to create data using 
v4.1.0beta of an archetype, should we write that into the data instead 
of just 'v4.1.0'? I am not sure it is useful.

> I agree that it is valuable to know that v1 is the first published 
> /version/ (and v2 the second, etc), but I question the value of 
> knowing that v1.0.1 (or is it v.1.1.1 or v1.0.0 ??) is the first 
> published /revision/.
> What if we made a spelling error and we have to correct a just 
> published archetype to v1.0.2 or something? Immediately it is not only 
> irrelevant to know that v1.0.1 was the first, but also ugly because 
> everybody can now see that v1.0.1 was error-prone and never actually 
> used because it was revised minutes after publication. I can already 
> see the requests to manipulate revisioning in CKM to get this little 
> change into v1.0.1 without changing the revision number!

which I think corresponds to my rule 4 above.

> While I am also keen to see from the version/ revision numbers whether 
> an archetype is published or not...it does not really work and is one 
> reason why the DRAFT ids were deprecated in the first place.
> I strongly believe that the status is pretty much orthogonal to the 
> archetype id/revision and that we should not mix this up.

agree - do the rules above achieve this?

> Also, we already had archetypes in CKM with a big DRAFT in their 
> archetype id - and this did not prevent anybody from using these 
> anymore or less than the status of the archetype being "DRAFT".
> If people have a need to use them, they will use them if we make them 
> available - no matter what their version number or status.
> I believe this holds true even if the archetype id ends with 

also agree.

> And by all means - let them use them! Just let us be clear on our 
> message that incompatible changes are likely to occur before 
> publication...this can be better visual indications of the draft state 
> and its consequences in Archetype Editors, CKM, etc.
> It can also be a text in the ADL/XML of the archetype itself. It can 
> be a disclaimer in the USE part of the archetype for all DRAFT archetypes.
> If you are keen to infer from these numbers whether it has never been 
> published, why not use v1.0.1 up to v1.0.n for any not yet published 
> revision. On publishing, it then could be v1.1.0 or v1.1.1 (or so). It 
> is not quite as clear (but as I said I don't think it makes any 
> difference), but at least it is not requiring us to make incompatible 
> changes under the old archetype id for all versions after v0. Or the 
> prepublication revisions are even called draft: v1.draft.1 up to 
> v1.draft.n and v.1.0.0 or v.1.1.0 (e.g.) on first publishing.

I think this is the danger of how we use the word 'publishing'...

Are we getting closer to a solution?

- thomas

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