I like the idea of a warning on the use (or misuse, purpose...) part
of the archetype.
I also believe that anything thas has been made public needs to have a
unique identifier

2011/7/12 Sebastian Garde <sebastian.garde at oceaninformatics.com>:
> Am 11.07.2011 17:43, schrieb Thomas Beale:
> On 21/06/2011 10:04, Heather Leslie wrote:
> Hi Erik, Thomas,
> I think we need to address three issues separately here. The first is the
> archetype identification in CKM; the second is use of the draft archetypes
> and the third, the apparent lack of progress of archetype publication in the
> openEHR CKM.
> Archetype identification is ultimately a technical issue and one in which I
> normally don?t have an opinion. Clearly it is useful from an implementation
> point of view to have unique IDs for each archetype and be able to determine
> diffs etc. However, from a non-technical point of view I believe that it is
> extremely helpful to clearly delineate between early/alpha/raw models and
> the mature ones that have been published, more than just by a ?status? or
> icon, although we need these too.
> I?m increasingly of the opinion that it will be helpful to have a common
> understanding that the first published version of an archetype in CKM is
> always known as v1.0, such that if we eventually find we are using v4.x we
> (the non-technical) can easily infer that this is a published archetype that
> has undergone 3 major updates. This is very valuable to the non-techies who
> will be using CKM. Otherwise we run the risk of having a release set that
> will contain wildly disparate version numbers and will infer no idea of the
> state/maturity of the archetypes
> To be honest, how we version the pre-published, currently known as ?draft?
> archetypes doesn?t worry me ? v0.x seems sensible in light of the previous
> statements but if you have a better way to approach it, I?m cool with that.
> so I think this is compatible with:
> a v0 rule that says start at v0.n.m, and go to v1.x.y on first 'publication'
> a lifecycle set of states whose names we still need to agree on, but could
> be something like:
> alpha, beta, published, obsolete, superseded
> the semver.org rules, which would allow versions like v0.0.1 but also
> v1.0.4beta
> I will look at updating the current openEHR artefact specification to
> reflect this.
> - thomas
> Thomas and all,
> Changing the version number of the archetype just before publication is not
> the right thing to do I believe.
> This means you are doing the review process on the old id (v0, v1, v2, etc.)
> and this means that we are required to make incompatible changes to the old
> already published archetype [unless it is v0 of course], i.e. while it still
> has the old archetype id.
> This is something to avoid at all costs I believe.
> I agree that it is valuable to know that v1 is the first published version
> (and v2 the second, etc), but I question the value of knowing that v1.0.1
> (or is it v.1.1.1 or v1.0.0 ??) is the first published revision.
> What if we made a spelling error and we have to correct a just published
> archetype to v1.0.2 or something? Immediately it is not only irrelevant to
> know that v1.0.1 was the first, but also ugly because everybody can now see
> that v1.0.1 was error-prone and never actually used because it was revised
> minutes after publication. I can already see the requests to manipulate
> revisioning in CKM to get this little change into v1.0.1 without changing
> the revision number!
> While I am also keen to see from the version/ revision numbers whether an
> archetype is published or not...it does not really work and is one reason
> why the DRAFT ids were deprecated in the first place.
> I strongly believe that the status is pretty much orthogonal to the
> archetype id/revision and that we should not mix this up.
> Also, we already had archetypes in CKM with a big DRAFT in their archetype
> id - and this did not prevent anybody from using these anymore or less than
> the status of the archetype being "DRAFT".
> If people have a need to use them, they will use them if we make them
> available - no matter what their version number or status.
> I believe this holds true even if the archetype id ends with
> And by all means - let them use them! Just let us be clear on our message
> that incompatible changes are likely to occur before publication...this can
> be better visual indications of the draft state and its consequences in
> Archetype Editors, CKM, etc.
> It can also be a text in the ADL/XML of the archetype itself. It can be a
> disclaimer in the USE part of the archetype for all DRAFT archetypes.
> If you are keen to infer from these numbers whether it has never been
> published, why not use v1.0.1 up to v1.0.n for any not yet published
> revision. On publishing, it then could be v1.1.0 or v1.1.1 (or so). It is
> not quite as clear (but as I said I don't think it makes any difference),
> but at least it is not requiring us to make incompatible changes under the
> old archetype id for all versions after v0. Or the prepublication revisions
> are even called draft: v1.draft.1 up to v1.draft.n and v.1.0.0 or v.1.1.0
> (e.g.) on first publishing.
> In summary: Do anything, but please do not change the archetype id just
> before publication.
> Sebastian
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