Local to organisations probably yes (I really don't know how languages are
managed at template level, but seem reasonable that there you can add local
terms, right?). But you cannot expect that archetypes will be always
defined by British clinicians

2012/1/14 Gerard Freriks <gfrer at luna.nl>

> Templates will provide local dialects.
> Archetype nodes are defined in a preferred English-UK language.
> Gerard Freriks
> +31 620347088
> gfrer at luna.nl
> On 14 jan. 2012, at 15:46, Thomas Beale wrote:
> On 13/01/2012 13:20, David Moner wrote:
> Since I'm not a clinician maybe I could miss many details, but in any
> case there should not be many differences and not of importance. In a
> quick view I only found "provisorio" at the "test status" of
> openEHR-EHR-OBSERVATION.lab_test-blood_gases.v1. In Spain
> "provisional" would be used instead. But this is similar to the
> British/American English differences, a change not of real importance.
> well again, I know these differences seem small to us technical people,
> but there are all kinds of objections that could be raised by
> clinicians, organisations that cannot tolerate different terms from what
> their software currently uses, etc.... I think we should be careful
> making assumptions about what is acceptable on a clinician user interface.
> - thomas
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David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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