IMHO ADL is very readable. More than XML. But of course depends on how much 
knowlegde the reader has about the model below. Without knowing the ADL syntax 
and the AOM/AOP models, reading ADL is almost imposible.
I would love to use GitHub for versioning, but I need the mindmaps and the 
tabular views of the header and content of the archetype that the CKM provides.
I think that the main proprietary portion of the CKM is the one that handles 
the versioning, if that part could use GitHub, I think most of yhe problem can 
be solved.
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------ Original message------From: Marcus BawDate: Sat, Mar 14, 2015 10:21 
AMTo: For openEHR clinical discussions;Subject:Re: How to fix CKM biggest issue
On 14 March 2015 at 04:53, pablo pazos <pazospablo at> wrote:
For me the biggest concern, besides the limited publishing capabilities or non 
editors, is that the CKM is made over proprietary software, that doesn't allow 
us to create our own instances of the CKM for free, and share archetypes in a 
distributed / versioned way, like GitHub does.

?Pablo, you've nailed the problem here. The CKM is proprietary.

"All contributions to CKM is on a voluntary basis, and all CKM content is open 
source and freely available under a Creative Commons licence?" From openEHR 
Foundation website:

There's a disconnect there. I have in the past been in the middle of trying to 
explain openEHR to open source 'purists' and been left with some uncomfortable 
questions to answer about the tooling used not being freely available.? (no, 
despite what may appear to be my OSS zealotry I am actually not even close to 
being a Richard Stallman-esque OSS purist)

'community' computing is very definitely moving away from anything that is 
dependent on proprietary platforms, towards cross-platform, open source, 
generic systems. Open source languages, and Git for version control.

If we could find some way to wrap ADL in a more readable language then perhaps 
we really could just use GitHub for archetype sharing one day! One of the 
primary reasons for reliance on a GUI is that ADL in its raw form is so 
unreadable. If it could be read and understood in a text editor then there 
would be less need for a GUI. I accept that clinician led review would still 
benefit from a GUI. 

Another benefit of using a mature version control system such as Git is that 
some of the metadata about archetype authoring and details of who did a certain 
translation could reside in the version control commit history and would 
therefore not need to reside inside the archetype itself. This would reduce the 
size of archetypes, and would also obviate some of the problems such as the one 
Silje mentioned on another thread - in which there isn't room to record more 
than one translator.

BTW this post is very definitely not intended as a criticism of any 
individuals, and I recognise the massive amount of hard work that has gone 
before to even get where we are now.

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