Do you really need a separate CKM instance to be able to share archetypes, 

In the Norwegian CKM, we?ve been quite liberal in handing out (public or 
private) incubators w/ editor rights to anyone (in Norway; non-profit or 
commercial) who wants one. We had an initial lapse where we handed out 
projects, but luckily we were able to rein that in before it became impossible 
to manage. (To those of you who may not know the difference between CKM 
projects and incubators, archetypes in projects are counted as part of that 
CKM?s ?canon? and can be reviewed and published, while incubators are basically 
sandboxes for collaborating and sharing archetypes and templates.)

This approach is working relatively well, with the main criticism being that 
uploading archetypes to the CKM is more cumbersome than syncing them to GitHub. 
I?m sure this can be worked on in the future, though. ?

Also, as others have pointed out before, the CKM has much more very specialised 
functionality than just versioning and sharing. We would not have been able to 
do what we?re doing with the national governance here in Norway were it not for 
the review functionality of the CKM.

Kind regards,
Silje Ljosland Bakke

Special Adviser, RN
R&D dept, E-health section, Bergen Hospital Trust

Coordinator, National Editorial Board for Archetypes, National ICT Norway
Tel. +47 40203298
Web:<> / Twitter: 

From: openEHR-clinical [] On 
Behalf Of Marcus Baw
Sent: Saturday, March 14, 2015 8:54 PM
To: For openEHR clinical discussions
Subject: Re: How to fix CKM biggest issue

Re: GitHub, for me the point is not that GitHub itself is proprietary or open 
source, it's that anyone doing an open source project can have free GH repos. 
Perhaps this 'freemium pricing model' is a model that the CKM pricing could 
follow so that nonprofits could develop and review archetypes, while commercial 
entities would pay. This is the same as the Confluence/Atlassian model too.
And the other point about GitHub is that the underlying technology (Git) 
definitely IS open source and free. Worth noting that GitHub is only one of 
many online Git hosting services (Bitbucket etc does the same thing in the same 
way, and there are FOSS alternatives like GitLab)

On 14 March 2015 at 16:13, Ian McNicoll <ian at<mailto:ian at>> wrote:
Hi Marcus/ Pablo,

I think the comparison/ contrast to Github is instructive, because, of course 
GitHub is a hugely successful product which is highly supportive of open-source 
development, but it is not itself open-source. It is a proprietary tool. If you 
truly feel that tooling to support collaborative working itself necessitates an 
open source license then you should close your Github accounts and look 

I would very much like to see a future where levels of sponsorship, industry 
engagement, national funding etc, etc made it possible for CKM and other 
similar tools to be open-sourced but we are simply not in that position right 
now. All of the key authoring tools are open-sourced or free, (and all, I 
understand, will be open-sourced within a short period).

CKM was built to perform a very specific role i.e to help informaticians manage 
the complex process of crowd-sourcing clinical input, working out the impact of 
version changes, handling translation work, term-binding work, terminology 
building, particularly at international or national level. It is not needed to 
build an archetype, build a template or build a termset. It is not needed to 
display an archetype or template or termset. All of the resources are mirrored 
to GitHub and all of the specifications and information necessary to perform 
these activities are freely available.

CKM is a highly specialised tool with limited focus, primarily on national and 
international asset management. It is not needed to build openEHR systems, any 
more than GitHub is needed to build open source software.

Alternative repository management tools are starting to appear, such as the 
13606 Assocn. CIMM. I am sure David and Diego will not mind me saying that, as 
things stand, CIMM is a fair way off providing CKM -style functionality.

I think we are in danger of confusing some real and significant issues around 
community engagement with the Foundation governance process.  The issue of CKM 
licensing is model has, in my view, no practical impact on the concern that 
Pablo raised. Don't confuse the tool with the process.

Even then I think we need to be aware that there are probably two quite 
different requirements here.

We need a  much better way for good candidates for international archetypes to 
find their way into the international repository, probably to Incubators in the 
first instance. Some of the upcoming technical changes to the tool will help 
this but we also need to develop clear policies of how and when this is 
appropriate. The Foundation repository is primarily designed to manage set of 
archetypes as a 'source of truth' with new content flowing through in a 
relatively controlled but coherent fashion. Managing the governance of these 
'semantic assets' requires much more care and precision than 'source code'

This is quite different from the position in e.g Github which is essentially a 
tool which allows some degree of socialisation between otherwise siloed 
repositories. This is great for allowing assets and source code to be exposed, 
forked and re-used but it lacks the control and coherence that is required by 
'managed' national and international standards development.

I actually think we need both kinds of environment, and there is nothing to say 
that both environments need to be instantiated in the same tool.

@Marcus - there is actually very little metadata in archetypes. The translation 
support that Silje asked for is already supported in the AOM, and in some 
archetype editors such as LinkEHR. It is not supported in the openEHR archetype 
editor but as this is an open source tool, I will be working on that problem 
later today :).

I think there is a lot to be said for using Git to manage some of the 
versioning and asset management activities we need, indeed I do that all the 
time when working on local projects, but none of this kind of metadata is 
carried in archetypes anyway. The kind of versioning and governance metadata 
that we do need is equivalent to the metadata used by RubyGems or npm, needed 
for distributed source control, and the new versioning metadata that will be 
carried in archetypes is compliant with Semver which underpins npm.

ADL is actually a very readable language, given the complexity of information 
it needs to convey.

It is, of course, unfamiliar but it is perfectly possible to produce xml, json, 
yaml ... serialisations of the Archetype Object Model which is the real source 
of truth.

XML serialisation is fully supported by the LinkEHR and openEHR Archetype 
Editors, Thomas's Archetype Workbench exports these other formats and the 
template designer output is all expressed as XML.

The problem is that these non-ADL serialisations are actually much more 
difficult to read and understand than raw ADL, once, of course, you get your 
head around ADL.

@Pablo - CKM does make use of a proprietary document management system but the 
real challenge here is not technical, it is how we find a funding model that 
would sustain the kind of professional support that a tool like CKM requires. 
This is not a hacker project, it requires sustained investment, proper 
maintenance and a proper business model. So far it has not been possible to 
persuade the wider informatics community to collaborate on the kind of joint 
funding that would make commercial sense to a prospective supplier.

This is an important discussion. I'm glad to hear people being supportive of 
all the great work that has been done, particularly by Heather Leslie and 
Sebastian Garde. It is not easy to develop a first-of-kind product.

I think we have a great opportunity to discuss how to expand CKM editorial 
capacity, review current editorial policy around community involvement and to 
see how other non-CKM applications might fill some of the gaps that have been 
identified. I will certainly raise this via the new Board and, of course, 
discuss further with Heather in our capacities as CKM editors and Heather's 
position as Clinical program lead.

Let's not mix that discussion up with an equally important issue of how we can 
secure the funding necessary to sustain development and support for repository 
tooling in the future. I don't think there would be much objection to the 
principle that an open-source licensing model would be preferred but that can 
only happen if the commercial model makes sense for potential providers.


Dr Ian McNicoll
mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859<tel:%2B44%20%280%29775%20209%207859>
office +44 (0)1536 414994<tel:%2B44%20%280%291536%20414994>
skype: ianmcnicoll
email: ian at<mailto:ian at>
twitter: @ianmcnicoll

Director, freshEHR Clinical Informatics
Director, openEHR Foundation
Director, HANDIHealth CIC
Hon. Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL

On 14 March 2015 at 13:20, Marcus Baw <marcusbaw at<mailto:marcusbaw 
at>> wrote:

On 14 March 2015 at 04:53, pablo pazos <pazospablo at<mailto:pazospablo at>> wrote:
For me the biggest concern, besides the limited publishing capabilities or non 
editors, is that the CKM is made over proprietary software, that doesn't allow 
us to create our own instances of the CKM for free, and share archetypes in a 
distributed / versioned way, like GitHub does.

?Pablo, you've nailed the problem here. The CKM is proprietary.

"All contributions to CKM is on a voluntary basis, and all CKM content is open 
source and freely available under a Creative Commons licence?" From openEHR 
Foundation website:
There's a disconnect there. I have in the past been in the middle of trying to 
explain openEHR to open source 'purists' and been left with some uncomfortable 
questions to answer about the tooling used not being freely available.  (no, 
despite what may appear to be my OSS zealotry I am actually not even close to 
being a Richard Stallman-esque OSS purist)

'community' computing is very definitely moving away from anything that is 
dependent on proprietary platforms, towards cross-platform, open source, 
generic systems. Open source languages, and Git for version control.

If we could find some way to wrap ADL in a more readable language then perhaps 
we really could just use GitHub for archetype sharing one day! One of the 
primary reasons for reliance on a GUI is that ADL in its raw form is so 
unreadable. If it could be read and understood in a text editor then there 
would be less need for a GUI. I accept that clinician led review would still 
benefit from a GUI.

Another benefit of using a mature version control system such as Git is that 
some of the metadata about archetype authoring and details of who did a certain 
translation could reside in the version control commit history and would 
therefore not need to reside inside the archetype itself. This would reduce the 
size of archetypes, and would also obviate some of the problems such as the one 
Silje mentioned on another thread - in which there isn't room to record more 
than one translator.
BTW this post is very definitely not intended as a criticism of any 
individuals, and I recognise the massive amount of hard work that has gone 
before to even get where we are now.

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