Hi Thomas and Silje and all,

The next CKM will be released soon.

You can upload an archetype that uses TRANSLATION_DETAILS/OTHER_DETAILS 
and this will be maintained and displayed in the appropriate places in CKM.

However, if we need */special/***support for any 
TRANSLATION_DETAILS/OTHER_DETAILS items, e.g. a key other_contributors 
with a value string that has multiple lines (one for each contributor as 
a convention), that is explicitly exposed during online translation of 
an archetype in CKM, the we need to agree on this very soon.

I would suggest that we either leave this as a feature for next-gen ADL 
(1.5/2.0) and then do it properly as to be agreed or agree on this 
other_contributors multi-linestring and convert this to multiple entries 
for next-gen ADL.


    translations = <
             ["de"] = <
                 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
                 author = <
                     ["name"] = <"me">
                 other_details = <
                     ["other_contributors"] = <"First additional
    contributor name, organisation, ....
    Second contributor  name, ....
    Third contributor name, ...">

next-gen ADL:

    translations = <
             ["de"] = <
                 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]>
                 author = <
                     ["name"] = <"me">
                 other_contributors = <"First additional contributor
    name, organisation, ....", "Second contributor  name, ....", "Third
    contributor name, ...">

Apart from this - is there any other pressing needs that need any 
special support during CKM online translation and than can be expressed 
with the ADL1.4 other_details fields?


On 20.03.2015 14:56, Thomas Beale wrote:
> that actually sounds like the basis of the model of what a proper 
> registry might record....
> - thomas
> On 20/03/2015 13:46, David Moner wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm going to do a provocative proposal, that just came to my mind.
>> Why being a translator is different from being archetype author? When 
>> somebody does a translation he/she is in fact authoring the textual 
>> part of the archetype. Thus, why do we have to manage it separately 
>> from the authors section?
>> Moreover, how do we deal with other types of contributions that could 
>> be of interest? For example the reviewers of the archetype, not just 
>> listing them as "Other contributors".
>> Could we simplify all this stuff and just support a "participation" 
>> kind of approach for archetypes metadata? The idea would be to have 
>> one single section called "Participants", with with the name, 
>> organisation, mail, etc., and a coded field "Type of participation" 
>> using a controlled vocabulary including for example "Main author", 
>> "Contributor author", "Main translator", "Contributor translator", 
>> "Reviewer", "Consulted domain expert", etc. In fact, this should be a 
>> multi valued field, since nothing avoids that the same person is the 
>> main author and a translator to a different language. In case that 
>> new participation roles appear in the future, we only have to 
>> complete the controlled vocabulary, without changing other things.
>> Probably we would still need to support some specific details 
>> depending on the type of participation (for example the accreditation 
>> info), but this approach could simplify part of the metadata 
>> management. I know that are some details to be fixed, but what do you 
>> think about the general idea?
>> David
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*Dr. Sebastian Garde*
/Dr. sc. hum., Dipl.-Inform. Med, FACHI/
Ocean Informatics

Skype: gardeseb

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