Mike Mair wrote:

>We can be very encouraged that you may get together with HL7 on this.
>However you (or was it Gunnar Klein) did say  in your ?Berlin CEN meeting
>2002 presentation (the presentation has disappeared from the
>www.openehr.org. site) that EN 13606 had limited uptake because it was:
>a) incomplete or have offered only partial coverage of the healthcare domain;
>b) unnecessarily complex;
>c) too generic, leaving the various implementations too much variability in
>how the models are applied to a given domain;
>d) flawed, with some classes and attributes not implementable as published;
>e) requiring expensive re-engineering of systems;
>f) containing features not required by the purchasers of clinical systems.
These are the lessons learned from what I would call the first "serious 
go" at EHRs by CEN - 13606 has been and will continue to be a crucial 
learning ground for standardised EHRs.

This list of problems indicates why the next iteration of the CEN 
standards will be important - they will contain the lessons learned.

- thomas beale

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