
Information relating to a patient cinsits of possibly the following classes:
- Invariant Personal information like name, data of birth, gender, parents
- Variant Personal information: adresses, telphone numbers, maried, etc
- Financial/administrative personal information: insurance, etc
- acces control related information
- logistics related information: notifications, appointments, etc
- private health related information as entered by the patient. Personal
- health related information as entered by a healthcare provider. Personal
- sharable health related information

On 2002-11-26 22:09, "Sam Heard" <sam.heard at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Aniket
> Of course I know about CPGs - just the acronym eluded me!
> CPGs are very interesting from an EHR point of view. The issue here is the
> generic CPG and the specific - how we allow specialisation to the particular
> patient, how we merge a number of them sensibly, how we allow updates of
> CPGs to influence future care.
> Our learning in this area has a long way to go but we can start. The openEHR
> entry called an instruction allows specific 'guidelines' to be entered into
> the record - monitoring or notifications, therapies etc. This is relatively
> straight forward - the issues start to arise when a generic guideline is
> altered - what does this mean to someone who is adhering to the previous
> guideline?
> We can go with defaults - 2 years in Australia for a PAP test recall. So if
> the Care Plan of a patient has a notification for a pap recall, and the
> period is set to default, then the notification period can change with the
> guideline. Not so bad - fixed recall periods will not be altered. There
> might be some people however who need a 2 year one based on the evidence -
> clinicians could learn to fix the period of anyone with any abnormality -
> that seems solvable.
> Then we get into the issue of a complex CPG such as immunisation - there are
> many rules, temporal and sequencing, age at immunisation etc. Changing the
> default guideline becomes very interesting and really requires a little
> decision support engine to be available specifically for the purpose.
> What do you think?
> Cheers, Sam
> ____________________________________________
> Dr Sam Heard
> The Good Electronic Health Record
> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
> Rapid Creek NT 0810
> Ph: +61 417 838 808
> sam.heard at bigpond.com
> www.gehr.org
> www.openEHR.org
> __________________________________________
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: aniket Joshi [mailto:anya_joshi at yahoo.com]
>> Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2002 3:02 AM
>> To: Sam Heard
>> Subject: RE: Patient notifications
>> Clinical practice guidelines.
>> These can be incorporated in GEHR and thus we can have
>> a much more specific application development.
>> We can have mappings which will lead to particular set
>> of tests as per the CPGs.
>> This will ease the implementation of CPGs in clinical
>> practice.
>> Dr Aniket Joshi
>> --- Sam Heard <sam.heard at bigpond.com> wrote:
>>> Aniket
>>> I am not aware of CPG ??
>>> Sam
>>> ____________________________________________
>>> Dr Sam Heard
>>> The Good Electronic Health Record
>>> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
>>> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
>>> Rapid Creek NT 0810
>>> Ph: +61 417 838 808
>>> sam.heard at bigpond.com
>>> www.gehr.org
>>> www.openEHR.org
>>> __________________________________________
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: aniket Joshi [mailto:anya_joshi at yahoo.com]
>>>> Sent: Monday, 25 November 2002 6:02 PM
>>>> To: Sam Heard
>>>> Subject: Re: Patient notifications
>>>> In our scenarios majority of the population is
>>>> illeterate,so interaction with the computers is
>>> out of
>>>> question.We can record their videos and keep them
>>> in
>>>> the folders.
>>>> Other non-medical communication which come from
>>> the
>>>> HCPs can definitely be kept in the folder.
>>>> For the medical record of each appt a Hyperlink
>>> can be
>>>> given so that we can have a vertical record.
>>>> Have gone through the CPGs and their application
>>> in
>>>> GEHR?
>>>> --- Sam Heard <sam.heard at bigpond.com> wrote:
>>>>> Dear All
>>>>> I have been developing the idea of part of the
>>>>> record that the patient can
>>>>> write in - I have (Gates style) called it My
>>> Folder
>>>>> (eh?) and have two
>>>>> subfolders in it at present - consent statements
>>> (as
>>>>> these will be written
>>>>> by the patient) and appointments and
>>> notifications.
>>>>> It is clear that the patient needs to write and
>>>>> interact with these. I have
>>>>> thought recently that we may be best to develop
>>> a
>>>>> transaction for each of
>>>>> the patient notifications - which will have all
>>> the
>>>>> details in it - rather
>>>>> than process notifications into a collected
>>>>> transaction (like a calendar) -
>>>>> this means that the application will need to
>>> process
>>>>> these.
>>>>> I have thought that we could have an archive
>>> folder
>>>>> for when the patient has
>>>>> done whatever was required - or declined to do
>>> so.
>>>>> This would mean perhaps
>>>>> an archive folder and an entry for the outcome
>>> of
>>>>> the notification.
>>>>> What do you think?
>>>>> Sam
>>>>> ____________________________________________
>>>>> Dr Sam Heard
>>>>> The Good Electronic Health Record
>>>>> Ocean Informatics, openEHR
>>>>> 105 Rapid Creek Rd
>>>>> Rapid Creek NT 0810
>>>>> Ph: +61 417 838 808
>>>>> sam.heard at bigpond.com
>>>>> www.gehr.org
>>>>> www.openEHR.org
>>>>> __________________________________________
>>>>> -
>>>>> If you have any questions about using this list,
>>>>> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org
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> If you have any questions about using this list,
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