Dear All

I have been developing the idea of part of the record that the patient can
write in - I have (Gates style) called it My Folder (eh?) and have two
subfolders in it at present - consent statements (as these will be written
by the patient) and appointments and notifications.

It is clear that the patient needs to write and interact with these. I have
thought recently that we may be best to develop a transaction for each of
the patient notifications - which will have all the details in it - rather
than process notifications into a collected transaction (like a calendar) -
this means that the application will need to process these.

I have thought that we could have an archive folder for when the patient has
done whatever was required - or declined to do so. This would mean perhaps
an archive folder and an entry for the outcome of the notification.

What do you think?

Dr Sam Heard
The Good Electronic Health Record
Ocean Informatics, openEHR
105 Rapid Creek Rd
Rapid Creek NT 0810
Ph: +61 417 838 808
sam.heard at

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