Tim Churches wrote:

>Hear, hear! What a great summary of everything that is wrong with
>standards development. Can you publish that as a short essay on your Web
>site, or can I quote it with attribution elsewhere? Prototype, pilot,
>refactor, pilot again, start again, prototype, test, etc. No standard
>should be accepted unless its developers can admit that the first three
>versions turned out to be wrong when tested in real-life situations.
I want to develop this properly, and put it in a book one day, but I 
might put up a one-pager on a website somewhere soon if it seems 
interesting to people. I should at the outset add a caveat: many if not 
most people at standards meetings and doing standards work are trying 
their best. I am not criticising them, I am criticising the framework. I 
am just as guilty of having to operate in ad hoc argumentation mode as 
everyone else, because that's all there is.

>>OpenEHR is far from perfect, but it is (trying to be) one thing: a 
>>process, not a thing. The process is more akin to a software engineering 
>>process, conducted in the open, rather than a staandards development 
>>process. So in response to the above, some face to face meetings are 
>>good, but they need to occur as design workshops, with competent 
>>modellers and specifiers, and there needs to be implementation testing 
>>of the results.
>Yup, and openEHR must be congratulated on this. My only criticism is
>that it has taken too long for openEHR to release working prototypes. I
>know these exist - but they need to be made public and readily useable
>for exploratory purposes, even if they are incomplete. Perfectionism is
>a curse.
actually, even though we could have been accused of over-perfectionism 
(and I personally accept some responsibility for this) our current 
delays are resources not perfection. But I think we are on track for a 
0.9 specification release in October 2003 - the release that software 
builders can feel safe about getting into.

- thomas

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