Tim Cook wrote:
While it might be an interesting exercise for us to record how confident
a clinician was at the time of recording a diagnosis, it will have no
impact on the health care of that patient.  If we were to do this would
we ask them to do so in <sarcasm>10% steps, 5% steps or .01%
steps</sarcasm>?  I assert that any one of these would seriously impact
the usability of an EHR in a negative manner and would result in the
clinician taking the option that presents the least liability on their

So back to the short answer above.....is it really relevant to assert
ANY confidence factor in the EHR?

My opinion is that there indeed is highly relevant to assert a 
confidence factor in the EHR.

ln decision analysis one talks about treatment thresholds for 
diagnostic uncertainity as "the probability of disease at which the 
expected value of treatment and no treatment are exactly equal, and ne 
ither option is clearly preferable." (Hunik and Glasziiou "Decision 
making in health and biomedicine"). Factors influencing the treatment 
threshold are the expected benefit and the expected harm of the 
Example: Treatment threshold is much lower for pneumonia (treatment: 
penicillin) than for cancer of the left mamma (treatment: Mastectomy)

Thus: How confident a clinician is at the time of recording a diagnosis 
has high impact on the health care of that patient.

Comments on this?

Arild Faxvaag
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