Who are you calling elderly?

I still hold out for age, even if it is fuzzy.


Gerard Freriks <gfrer at luna.nl>@openehr.org on 01/31/2005 04:25:17 PM

Please respond to Gerard Freriks <gfrer at luna.nl>

Sent by:    owner-openehr-technical at openehr.org

To:    William E Hammond <hammo001 at mc.duke.edu>
cc:    OpenEHR Technical <openehr-technical at openehr.org>, USM Bish
       <bish at hathway.com>

Subject:    Re: Age

Dear all,

It is fine for me when we can agree that we mean by 'Age' time after

How will we name and define concepts like: youth, post conception, post
gestation, middel aged, elderly?

--  <private> --
Gerard Freriks, arts
Huigsloterdijk 378
2158 LR Buitenkaag
The Netherlands

+31 252 544896
+31 654 792800
On 31 Jan 2005, at 19:10, William E Hammond wrote:

> For an age, I agree that the date of birth is adequate as long as you
> remember people do not age after they die.  It is also convenient to
> have a
> reference time mark for many things, including conception, start of a
> course of treatment.  Adjectives and nouns are difficult to put into
> algorithms unless the definitions are precise.
> Ed Hammond

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