> "That is not feasible"
> And that's the problem that will keep the technical people in money for
> years to come.
I am not a technical person per se. I am an clinician.

> Not only must it be feasible it will be demanded by judges
> and courts
Surely, courts and judges have been known to demand and
accepts proofs that aren't proofs before. They'll learn, too,
what things need to be taken to mean.

> if the EHR is to ever be truly adopted.
Too pessimistic, IMO.

> Even now we have rules
> that all e-mails where a decision is made must be printed out!
Which is akin to photographing every screen you view.

> The paperless world has never been to court.
In a court one not always has to provide a waterproof trail of
evidence. There is "substantial evidence" (is that what it's
called ?). And there is "demonstration of due course" which
adds a lot of weight to what otherwise are simple assertions.

> It is feasible of course but complex. Flags are set when pages are viewed,
Those flags do not document what you want them to document.
Such a flag only documents that it was set. Everything else is
"due course". Eg. if the flag is set "it is reasonable to
assume" that it was set by the software the doctor claims to
have used. Also "it is reasonable to assume" that the doctor
thus "saw" what that program would display in conjunction with
that flag being set. No hard proof there.

> there are intricate audit trails (terabytes). The fact that no one is doing 
> it yet
Why do you think this is a fact ?

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