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On Sat, Mar 05, 2005 at 07:34:47PM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> > The main issue here is  varification of authenticity of digital
> > data entry. There  must be some mechanism to  ensure that every
> > entry placed in the EHR must be authenticated by the signitory,
> > even if the entry is made by a secretary, DEO or transcription-
> > ist.
> A first-step solution might be this:
> - writes are tracked (author, timestamp)
> - regular clear-text database dumps are taken (say, twice daily)
>   this includes the tracked writes (eg audit logs)
> - dumps are signed to be authentic by a, say, CMO
> - dump hashes are timestamp-signed by non-affiliated third
>   parties (say, digital notary servers provided by medical
>   faculties, etc.)

This is  a logical  process to  start with.  The issue  here is
acceptance and  institution of the  'notary servers'  ... these
need to find a place within the system universally.

[some snipped]
> > Audit  trails of  visits  are only  to  ensure  read access  by
> > authorised agencies.
> Even that does not really add  any value. IF access occurred it
> must have occurred with proper credentials (barring bugs in the
> software).

Yup, as far as the technical  side is concerned, this should be
the end point that we need to go for presently ...

> The  question  is  whether those  credentials  were  abused  by
> someone who wasn't  supposed to know them or by  someone in the
> know but who  wasn't supposed to access that part  of the data.
> One study showed a decrease in the latter when "tracking reads"
> was announced to the regular users.

These are human shortfalls. The fact is, if a sysadmin is happy
to broadcast  access passwords  to all-and-sundry,  ultimately,
he/  she  is  to  be  held   responsible.  It  is  possible  to
incorporate much more stringent access methods by thumb imprint
or  pupil signature  varification (and  methods  yet to  come).
However,  such mathods  may not  be easily  deployable or  cost

Just my 2p


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