USM Bish wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 10:29:45AM +0100, Bert Verhees wrote:
>>I will come back to the answers I got about II later.
>>Thanks for this.
>>I have another question: about EntityNamePart in the CEN-standard.
>>There seems to be no way to tell if a certain namepart actually are 
>>Sometimes people often have more firstnames.
>>Often they have a name that is used for casual contacts, and they have names 
>>which are in their passport, their official firstnames, which are often long 
>>Often, these long names are only known by initials
>>Now I am extracting data from a local GP-system, and there is stored the 
>>shortname (f.e. Johnny) and the initials J.B. 
>>His friends call him Johnny B. Good. The second name in that system is only 
>>known by Initial. I have to deal with that.
>>Because I want to present as much information as is possible in the standard, 
>>and I want to present the shortname (GIVEN NAME=Johnny), FAMILY NAME=Good, 
>>and because I want to give as much information as possible, because this can 
>>be important to identify a person, I want to add an extra entityNamePart: 
>>And now I am looking for a namepartType or namePartQualifier for initials.
>>Someone have an idea?
>Naming conventions  and methods  of writing  vary all  over the
>world. It may be difficult finding a common rule fitting all. 
>I thought all that the CEN/TC251 specified for Class:EntityName
>was merely 'a  character string' (or several  entity name parts
>in sequence). This is applicable  for a person, organisation or
>even place  or an object. 'EntityNamePart'  would therefore  be
>sub-components of the above.
Following the CEN standard, an EntityName is a list of entityNameParts, 
which are objects having three properties:
I qoute from the CEN documentation I am using:

entityName: SET<EntityNamePart>

- entityNamePart: The name part represented as a string
- namePartType: VALUES: family name, given name, prefix, suffix
- namePartQualifier: VALUES: preferred, birth, professional, maiden name

>But how  do you  define the  sub-componets, as  far as  name is
>concerned ? 
As I understood from the previous email concernig this question, from 
isabel at the qualifiers in the standard document are only 
examples, I thought, they were rules. So, at the moment, I define the 
nameparts using the qualifiers provided by CEN.

>There are  no fixed patterns  for names or  naming conventions.
>There are many  societies where there are no  'Family' names at
>all.  Some have  Tribe names  in  lieu, some  with father's  or
>village name  as 'names' somewhere  wedged in the  name string.
>Some with just  unique names with nothing else. To  add to this
>confusion you would  then have to find  sub-components for nick
>names and aliases.
>Bert, like your  query regarding short-name and  initials, I am
>also curious in knowing how these name issues are planned to be
>tackled ... Are there any thoughts in this direction ? Or is it
>better to leave EntityName simply  as a 'character string' with
>no futher qualifications.
My two cents are that in fact the system is good, you need qualifiers 
for automated processing, same problem as with OID.

The case is, I am implementing it in a commercial product. These are 
only minor issues, but you run against them quick. I have no time to 
wait what will come out in years to follow. The questions I ask are so 
much at hand. In the first twenty lines of code, you run against a 
entityName, or a II-object.

If I start interpreting the standard for my own needs, were or when must 
I end doing that.
As a programmer, I am used to exact thinking, this byte is there and 
that is there.
I am used to standards exactly telling me what or how to do something. 
Thinking should already have been done.

I did not see one line of code written by someone else, that is 
implementing the CEN standard, and even if I did see that, how could I 
trust it, if there is so much confusion in minor issues. I am spoiled by 
open source communities were tons of source-code (often too much) are 

Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.

Bert Verhees

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