
As convenor of CEN/TC251wg1 responsible for the EN13606 EHR standard 
I'm reading with interest the e-mail exchanges.

It is good to understand that:
- the EN13606 EHR standard is a European standard that contains several 
open ends (optionalities, abstract data types instead of implementable 
data types, etc)
- the application of the standard needs an Implementation Specification 
that is valid in a certain domain.

Discussions like these between implementers are very valuable.
a) they result in implementation specifications.
b) they inform the standards makers and help improve the standard.

I support Thomas idea to summarise important threads and store them in 
a FAQ repository.
This will help produce localised Implementation Specifications.

Gerard Freriks

ps: Hopefully an national  implementation  process will this year start 
in the Netherlands.
The proposal is to produce a Controlled Open Source Reference 
Implementation of OpenEHR that will be conformant to CEN/Tc 251 
(Today the Dutch Government is discussing it)
When that implementation process starts, I expect that more discussions 
will arrise.

Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

TNO Quality of Life
Wassenaarseweg 56

PostBox 2215
22301CE Leiden
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
+31 654 792800
On 10 Mar 2005, at 00:48, Bert Verhees wrote:

> My two cents are that in fact the system is good, you need qualifiers 
> for automated processing, same problem as with OID.
> The case is, I am implementing it in a commercial product. These are 
> only minor issues, but you run against them quick. I have no time to 
> wait what will come out in years to follow. The questions I ask are so 
> much at hand. In the first twenty lines of code, you run against a 
> entityName, or a II-object.
> If I start interpreting the standard for my own needs, were or when 
> must I end doing that.
> As a programmer, I am used to exact thinking, this byte is there and 
> that is there.
> I am used to standards exactly telling me what or how to do something. 
> Thinking should already have been done.
> I did not see one line of code written by someone else, that is 
> implementing the CEN standard, and even if I did see that, how could I 
> trust it, if there is so much confusion in minor issues. I am spoiled 
> by open source communities were tons of source-code (often too much) 
> are available.
> Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.
> Regards
> Bert Verhees
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