On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 08:02:40AM +0100, Gerard Freriks wrote:
> As convenor  of CEN/TC251wg1  responsible for  the EN13606  EHR
> standard I'm reading with interest the e-mail exchanges.

Gerard, it is nice to have voices from the standards bodies
piping up on the list ;-)

> It is good to understand that:
> - the EN13606 EHR standard is a European standard that contains
> several open  ends (optionalities, abstract data  types instead
> of implementable data types, etc)
> -  the application  of  the  standard needs  an  Implementation
> Specification that is valid in a certain domain.

The Implimentation Specs (or absence thereof) is likely to have
problems  if  implementors  divert with  their  'local'  inter-
pretations, making  interoperability of the  EHR a  major issue
in the furure, when data accumulates.

Besides,  as Bert  put it  : "I  am used  to standards  exactly
telling me what or how to do something. Thinking should already
have been done". Surely, this makes a lot of sense.

I also echo the sentiment, that if freedom is granted for local
implimentations, the limits must be known.

When applied  to demographic  entities like  'EntityName' which
would be important in every record,  effort needs to be made to
make it  as generic  as possible to  cover the  widest possible
spectrum of human population.

I would suggest the following components for EntityNameParts:

IndexName   -  viz. A single name by which the record would be
               indexed, be it Surname, family name,  tribe  or
               any other name the person opts to insert.

OtherNames  -  viz.  other  components of the person's name in 
AKANames    -  viz. Nickname, or any other name the  person is
               normally known by. NULL () if none.

Initials    -  viz. initials for the name (to exclude accepted
               things like bin, al, etc.) This  also  helps in
               sequencing the name components.

A few examples to illustrate the above are:

1. 'Shaw, George Bernard (GBS), GBS'
2. 'Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand (Mahatma), MKG'
3. 'Denzong, Mao (Mao-Tse-Tung), MD'
4. 'Minh, Ho Chi (), HCM'
5. 'Al-Busaidi, Suleman bin Said bin Mohammed (), SSMB'
6. 'Taylor, Elizabeth (Liz), ET'

With a EntityNameParts  of this sort virtually  every name from
any part of  the world can be covered. The  situation of change
in name, like for ladies after marriage (in most societies), or
the in  few odd cases,  like 'Cassius Clay'  becoming 'Mohammed
Ali' the change would have to be reflected by versioning.

Just a suggestion  (wild or otherwise) for  enlarging the scope
of demographic data.

If you have any questions about using this list,
please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org

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