The normal range is often dependent on patient age and sex and sometimes on
other patient state context
(especially for hormone levels) e.g pregnant, pre/peri/post menopausal, day
of menstrual cycle


Dr Vincent McCauley

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rodrigo Filgueira" <>
To: <openehr-technical at>; <openehr-clinical at>
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2006 6:19 AM
Subject: Normal and other ranges

> I see DV_ORDERED can optionally have specified normal and other ranges.
> While the other ranges are said to be dependant on the measuring context.
> normal range it seems to me, coud be defined as allways the same?
> I'm thinking about laboratory resullts.
> Anyway, is there a way to define this ranges in Archetypes?
> Or should a decission support module be responsible for this?
> thank you

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