Hi Rodrigo,

Rodrigo Filgueira wrote:
> I see DV_ORDERED can optionally have specified normal and other ranges.
> While the other ranges are said to be dependant on the measuring context.
> normal range it seems to me, coud be defined as allways the same?
not sure what you mean here.
> I'm thinking about laboratory resullts.
> Anyway, is there a way to define this ranges in Archetypes?
technically there is nothing stopping it, but it would almost always be 
the wrong thing to do, since the normal range of a Quantity is there to 
carry the actual normal range for the particular analyte in question, 
for the lab, and for the patient. So if it is serum sodium, the range 
will still depend on all of these things, and cannot be archetyped. The 
intention is not to use archetypes to standardise these values, but to 
provide a place for labs to put the specific normal range values that 
applied for each analyte, for the particular patient, and remembering 
that each lab has slightly different instrument settings.

Probably what you are looking for is the normal range reference data - 
like what you see in a pathology book, or what any physician knows for 
all of the main vital signs and other measurable things. We consider 
this to be reference information, like terminology, but for quantified 
values. While much of it is published in paper form, as far as I know 
there is no recognised way to represent quantitative range data in a 
standard computable form (i.e. in the way that you can get Snomed or 
ICD10 in a computable format). This is needed. But archetypes are not 
the place to standardise this - archetypes are about defining content 
structures, not domain reference knowledge.

- thomas beale
> Or should a decission support module be responsible for this?
> thank you
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CTO Ocean Informatics (http://www.OceanInformatics.biz)
Research Fellow, University College London (http://www.chime.ucl.ac.uk)
Chair Architectural Review Board, openEHR (http://www.openEHR.org)

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