Hi Ignacio,

Thanks for your reply.

On Tue, 2008-11-04 at 07:25 -0600, Ignacio Valdes wrote:
> 3.5 million patients in FOSS systems in the US private sector so far
> with only about 1/3 of those asked giving answers. 

Hmmm, I'm not sure what you mean by this. ????

> The vote was for
> obtaining a voting quorum, not the actual vote. The actual vote will
> be done at the os-wg business meeting and by private email.

Well, you probably should explain this better if you present it to the

>  While I
> have invited public input such as yours, the vote is only open to AMIA
> os-wg members. 

See above.  Of course I still have a rant about AMIA.  When I founded
the OSWG I wanted at the very least the mailing list to be open to the
public.  That would have opened up AMIA to a broader community.
However, the leadership there seems to remain isolated in their actions
and thinking. I still have hope that you and others will be able to
change that eventually.


> With regard to OpenEHR 13606, how would you like it to
> appear in the paper? -- IV

Well, IMHO, openEHR is a better engineered version of 13606.  While I
have a deep respect for you personally, I see it as very telling about
the mindset in the US about real information models in healthcare.  This
mindset is certainly one of the reasons why I no longer reside/work in
the US.  

As far as the way I would like to see them appear appear in the paper is
FAR beyond the capability of an email.

BTW: I found your comment in the paper about VistA being a "de-facto
standard" to be quite disconcerting.  Where is this model published?
Where are their engineering specs?  Being a software engineer yourself,
I continue to wonder how you support this model and yet do not embrace
and support openEHR?


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