
as far as i can see the protocol section is not mandatory :

protocol matches {
ITEM_TREE[at0011] matches { -- lijst structuur
items cardinality matches {0..*; unordered} matches {

as you can see 0..* (means zero times until unbounded times), so not


On 15 July 2010 17:57, Moretti Leonardo <lmoretti at noemalife.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a doubt in interpretating the archetype definition when there are
> "state" or "protocol" structure. For example, looking at "Blood
> Pressure" in http://openehr.org/knowledge/, I'm wondering if "protocol"
> structure is mandatory, as it seems looking at the archetype. If I don't
> know any details about the protocol, do I have to insert an empty tag
> <protocol> however?
> Best regards
> leo
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Alessandro Torrisi
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