Thanks Pablo,

I am aware of the very excellent work being done around the world,
often with insufficient publicity and I too think that regional
support should be added to the White Paper but we should discuss
further what sort of top-down assistance might be realistic to achieve
in the short-term.

We all hope that the suggested changes lead to more resources becoming
available  but it would be difficult to assume that this will be the
case, given that membership and access to Foundation materials will
continue to be free of charge.

So, my question back, is

"What sort of support would you like to see, given that significant
central resourcing is not likely in the short term?"

I know Thomas has some ideas about ramping up the software repository
and I am very keen on the idea of a non-CKM archetype/ template
'nursery' (more elsewhere) and I could imagine that one or both might
be useful at regional level.

Would it be sufficient for the Foundation to give 'official status' to
regional affiliates e.g. openEHR Japan, or are there other practical
suggestions as to how best to support regional affiliates?


Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317

mobile +44 (0)775 209 7859
skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at

Clinical Modelling Consultant,?Ocean Informatics, UK
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Editor
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
BCS Primary Health Care ?

On 6 September 2011 16:38, pablo pazos <pazospablo at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Not so long ago we have discussed about a governance and organization model
> to the openEHR community, and we have talked about regional/national openEHR
> communities
> (
> I can't find this mentioned in the whitepaper.
> I think if we want to have a global impact on the ehr scene, we need to
> support those communities also, and define ways to coordinate the work of
> the community as a whole.
> What do you think?
> --
> Kind regards,
> Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
> LinkedIn:
> Blog:
> Twitter:
> ________________________________
> Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 02:00:45 +0100
> From: thomas.beale at
> To: openehr-announce at
> Subject: [openEHR-announce] openEHR Transition Announcement
> Dear All,
> I am writing on behalf of the new Transitional Board of openEHR to share our
> plans to take openEHR to a new level of operations; a new structure,
> business model and governance. Our vision is the creation of a thriving
> community that works collaboratively to benefit humanity through efficient
> and effective electronic health records (EHRs) that support the highest
> quality health care for the least effort.
> Until now, the openEHR Foundation has functioned as an owner of intellectual
> property, governed by University College London and Ocean Informatics, with
> board members Prof David Ingram (UCL), Prof Dipak Kalra (UCL) and Dr Sam
> Heard (Ocean).
> With the support of the considerable community of Members and via engagement
> of a new category of sponsoring organisational Member known as ?Associates?
> - Companies, Universities and Governments - the Transitional Board proposes
> a number of changes:
> The openEHR Foundation becomes an operational non-profit organisation with
> paid key staff and resources;
> The Board (of governance) of the Foundation is extended to up to 10 people
> with a shift to election by the openEHR Associates;
> Members who participate are recognised by their peers, may take on
> decision-making roles, and have the right to commit changes to the key
> development assets of the Foundation.
> The Members will participate individually and, through qualification by peer
> recognition, will control the development within the three Programmes that
> are building the key assets:
> The openEHR specifications of the logical health record and attendant
> services as well as the methods for describing the content using archetypes
> (Detailed Clinical Models) and templates; and
> The openEHR archetypes and templates to be used within systems and for
> message content between systems to achieve interoperability; and
> The openEHR software projects, to provide open source development of tools
> to support the uptake and use of the specifications and templates.
> A group of Members will be needed to bootstrap each of these programmes and
> determine the working arrangements that are suitable to the products that
> they are managing at the current stage of development.
> The Associates will determine who governs the Foundation by nominating and
> voting on new members of the Board. The Board will appoint key Operational
> staff and will approve the leader of each of the Programmes. The Programme
> Leaders will be appointed by Qualified Members working in that Programme,
> subject to Board approval. We believe this will create the right balance
> between the ?ground up? creation of openEHR through participation of Members
> and ?top down? governance.
> The first step is to share with you a white paper providing more detail on
> the proposals and to ensure that the Members are reasonably satisfied that
> this is the right direction to head.
> Some key activities have been proceeding in the background and are reaching
> a point of maturity. It has taken us some time to gather more clinical
> champions in this endeavour and companies that can use and work with the
> tools in their early stages of development. It has also taken quite some
> time for Thomas Beale to work out how to provide a seamless pathway between
> definition of archetypes, specialisation of archetypes to ensure development
> scalability, to meet jurisdictional requirements, and templates that allow
> tailoring for actual use in specific settings. The result is ADL/AOM 1.5. He
> has, as usual, been totally committed to this work and it is probably very
> important for me to say, it is ?no mean feat?.
> There is a lot to do. Most important are:
> Begin to showcase development teams and software using openEHR successfully
> in clinical settings;
> Finalise ADL/AOM 1.5, including its succinct XML expression, and integrate
> it into existing and emerging tools;
> Update the openEHR reference model to version 1.1 bringing our collective
> knowledge to bear on the new features and changes while ensuring backward
> compatibility;
> Begin an open source software project for tools, web-based if possible, to
> author archetypes, templates and terminology reference sets directly
> interacting with the Clinical Knowledge Manager and equivalent repository
> and review tools; and
> Establish a mechanism for Associates to formally endorse archetypes (and
> possibly in the longer term templates) for international use.
> The Board has been changed to manage the transition until we are in a
> position to take nominations from Associates. Prof. David Ingram will become
> President and remain on the Board. Dr Bill Aylward from Moorfield?s Eye
> Hospital (the Open Eyes Project) will join Dr Ian McNicoll with his long
> advocacy of health care computing (British Computer Society) and Dr Jussara
> Rotzsch who has been involved in establishing openEHR as the Brazilian
> national EHR model. Professor Dipak Kalra and I will remain and I become
> Chair of the Board initially. The new Board will now actively seek
> Associates to engage in this important work and to provide secure governance
> into the future.
> At present many of our key participants are being drawn into national
> programmes. Whilst this is encouraging, we need to bring this work, where
> appropriate, back to the international community as quickly as possible. It
> is clear that governance that is acceptable to these national programs and
> industry is a very important step. It is also our belief that standard SDO
> processes are not suitable for our work and we have instead modelled our
> future on collaborative engineering efforts. Our products must be fit for
> purpose, stable and have an update cycle that is in tune with our domain.
> Free membership for participants and free access to the assets of the
> Foundation remains a fundamental principle going forward. Our commitment to
> open specifications, open software and open clinical models, unrestrictive
> to commercial use, remains unchanged.
> We hope you will join with us enthusiastically in the next phase of
> development of the Foundation and comment freely on the attached paper.
> There will be many views on what we need to do and how we might best achieve
> it. The Board is very interested in alternative ways to balance the needs of
> industry and governments with those of the developers and users of the
> system.
> Let?s make the future of eHealth work efficiently for all.
> Yours sincerely, Sam Heard
> Acknowledgements: Thank you to David Ingram, Dipak Kalra, Thomas Beale,
> Martin van der Meer and Tony Shannon for assisting in the planning.
> openEHR Transition White Paper
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