Thanks Erik,

These feel like very sound proposals, in particular the focus on
bottom-up local development.

Pablo, Shinji - would Erik's suggestions be the kind of support that
you would hope to have?


Dr Ian McNicoll
office +44 (0)1536 414 994
fax +44 (0)1536 516317
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skype ianmcnicoll
ian.mcnicoll at

Clinical Modelling Consultant,?Ocean Informatics, UK
openEHR Clinical Knowledge Editor
Honorary Senior Research Associate, CHIME, UCL
BCS Primary Health Care ?

On 7 September 2011 08:31, Erik Sundvall <erik.sundvall at> wrote:
> Hi!
> On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 08:38, Ian McNicoll
> <Ian.McNicoll at> wrote:
>> So, my question back, is
>> "What sort of support would you like to see, given that significant
>> central resourcing is not likely in the short term?"
> [...]
>> Would it be sufficient for the Foundation to give 'official status' to
>> regional affiliates e.g. openEHR Japan, or are there other practical
>> suggestions as to how best to support regional affiliates?
> I would guess that an 'official status' recognition and thus links in
> online (and some offline) information resources would be a major
> thing, more imoportant than funding, especially if this also allowed
> the regional organisation to arrange "official" openEHR
> gatherings/conferences etc. It would be reasonable if the local
> organisation could keep money left over from such (possibly partly
> commercially sponsored) gatherings/conferences.
> Of course it would be reasonable if the foundation had some
> requirements on official local organisations, like having:
> - open membership
> - statutes matching regional democratic traditions and the openEHR
> goals (internal governance rules or whatever the swedish word
> "stadgar" should be translated to)
> - proper accounting and audit
> - a duty to have a dialogue with the central openEHR foundation
> regarding plans involving using the openEHR tradmark for events etc
> - ...probably more...
> For local organisations I think bottom up comunity driven governance
> with elected boards etc is the only way to go, not top-down.
> Best regards,
> Erik Sundvall
> erik.sundvall at Tel: +46-13-286733
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