Hi Pablo, and all

I perfectly agree your idea. I have thought as you mentioned.
I am planning my tool-chains on my Ruby implementation, too.
Certification criteria are very difficult to evaluate. Training course
would be a homework to localize.

Shinji Kobayashi

2012/1/4 pablo pazos <pazospablo at hotmail.com>:
> Hi everyone,
> Recently we have ended the first edition of the course with a huge success.
> And now we are thinking about the next steps to take.
> Here is a post on my blog about the conclusions and future
> actions:?http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/2012/01/conclusiones-del-curso-de-openehr-en.html
> (yo can see it in english by clicking ENGLISH on the top right corner of the
> blog).
> I want to share with the community a couple of ideas mentioned there. It
> would be very nice to know what you think.
> openEHR certification:
> The first idea is on standarizing openEHR training, and to think about an
> openEHR certification. I think this could be very good for the community and
> for the openEHR organization too.
> It could be possible to create a mail list for openEHR trainers
> (openehr-trainers at openehr.org)? So we could discuss about the topics and
> ways of evaluation, and come out with an standard minimal program to all
> openEHR courses.
> If we reach a standard minimal program for openEHR courses, could we get
> formal support from openEHR.org to issue internationally valid openEHR
> certificates? (obviously this is a question for the future, but IMO we need
> to start thinking about it now).
> 10 projects to adopt openEHR:
> We thought about 10 projects (or so) in two areas: software and clinical
> modeling.
> Because openEHR propose a tool-chain based process of creating EHRs, we need
> to have each one of the links of that chain in order to adopt and implement
> openEHR easily.
> Now there is a little tooling available, and some of it is not open source.
> In projects at a national level we need to use open source software, because
> each country will need to make it's own customizations to each tool.
> In the other hand, we need to model other things that are clinical knowledge
> too, like processes and rules to enable CDS, in order to support full EHR
> implementation (e.g. I think we could recommend ways to express rules based
> on archetype ids and paths, and create software tools to support that
> specification, but we need to work the openEHR services specs first....).
> There is a diagram on my blog post that shows the tools we propose to 1.
> develope if there is no tool that support its functionality or it's
> closed-source, 2. improve the current open source tools.
> On the clinical modeling side, we have engaged doctors and nurses on the
> creation and translation of archetypes. Now there are two of our students
> that already commited archetypes to the CKM: Dr. Domingo Liotta and Dr.
> Leonardo Der Jachadurian.
> I hope we could propose to create prototypes of those projects in out local
> universities and coordinate the projects so we do not overlap each other,
> with the objective of completing the tool chain with open source
> developments.
> What do you think?
> --
> Kind regards,
> Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
> LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
> Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos
> _______________________________________________
> openEHR-clinical mailing list
> openEHR-clinical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-clinical

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