Hi Thomas, I've added a proposal to the page on the wiki 
I'm also thinking about the ENTRY model, to lift up the data/description 
attributes from all entry subclasses to the ENTRY, to have a 
ENTRY.data:DATA_STRUCTURE attribute, so all subentries could define the data as 
Maybe to have the flexibility to define ACTIONS and other entries to have a 
data attribute of class ITEM_STRUCTURE or HISTORY to track time of events 
instead of inventing DV_DATE/DV_DATETIME ELEMENTs on 
ACTION/EVALUATION/INSTRUCTION archetypes is a good idea. What do you think?
Kind regards,
Ing. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez
LinkedIn: http://uy.linkedin.com/in/pablopazosgutierrez
Blog: http://informatica-medica.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/ppazos

Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 15:48:07 +0000
From: thomas.be...@oceaninformatics.com
To: openehr-technical at openehr.org
Subject: Re: 13606 revisited - list proposal



    I have started a wiki
      page for this 'lower RM' simplification. The top contains the
    existing models, feel free to add to the 'problem' list (why are we
    simplifying?). If you have a candidate solution to offer, please put
    it under a new heading - you will see a 'Candidate B' ready to be
    used by someone. If we proceed in that fashion, I think we can keep
    the proposals clear. 


    NOTE: I have only half done my proposal, Candidate A, so don't
    bother looking at it yet.


    - thomas


    On 15/12/2011 14:54, pablo pazos wrote:
        Hi Erik,


          I want to implement some simplifications of the
            item_structure in the EHRGen (
            http://code.google.com/p/open-ehr-gen-framework/ ) we talked
            about this:

          My focus is on the persistence layer, because we persist
            data using an ORM (object-relational mapping) component, and
            the complexity of the relational schema is proportional to
            the complexity of the object model.

          BTW, the EHRGen has the complete cicle of information
            implemented: automatic gui generation (based on archetypes
            and our gui templates), data validation against archetype
            constraints, data binding (creation of RM structures from
            user data input and archetypes), persistence of those
            structures, and getting data to show on a GUI.

          Now I'm experimenting with semantic queries (common SQL
            but based on arcehtype ids and paths).



          > Regarding the RM I know Tom is experimenting with

            > ITEM_STRUCTURE as a BMM-schema for the AWB. Are there
            any other

            > RM-redesign experiments going on anywhere?


            > What is happening in the 13606-world regarding thoughts

            > practical datatypes?


            > What about (optional) reusable ENTRY subtypes in the
            13606 world? (see


            > under the heading "2. OBSERVATION et. al. (ISO 13606




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