Hi Birger,
In our EHRServer we took the opposite approach: we get XML compositions 
committed, we store those in the filesystem and we extract and create records 
on a relational database for parts of those XMLs. The difference from EHRGen is 
that EHRGen has the composition model implemented as classes and we have an ORM 
tool that maps objects to relational databases (generates DB schema, does CRUD, 
validate constraints, etc., we deal only with the object structure, not 
directly with the database).
I'm really interested of comparing pros and cons of our different approaches, 
mostly on the querying and retrieval side.
Here is a small demo of EHRServer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-hs-Ofb8SY
Also the projects is public under my GitHub account: https://github.com/ppazos

Kind regards,
Eng. Pablo Pazos Guti?rrez

Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2014 17:33:46 +0100
From: birger.haarbra...@plri.de
To: openehr-technical at lists.openehr.org
Subject: Persistence of Compositions


    Hey there,


    we make good progress in understanding and applying openEHR to our
    Data Warehouse project. First data mappings have been done and a poc
    ETL process utilizing mapforce generated c# code has been created
    for vital parameters (originating from the ICU). Currently, I'm
    working on the data model of the persistence layer. I know that
    there has been some discussion about this topic in the past and
    recently. I checked implementation examples like Pablo's ehrGEN
    project and Erik Sundvalls' Liu EEE. Additionally I read a paper
    that gave a helpful overview about persistence strategies and
    enjoyed the discussion Bert started on LinkedIn.


    To get to the point: We intend to use a mixed approach involving a
    MS SQL Server. More or less static data is supposed to be in the
    relational part while most clinical data (with the exception of lab
    values for example) should be represented as rows of XML datatype.
    Erik's approach was to develop a proprietary XML Schema to wrap
    compositions and contained entries. Obviously, this might work in a
    native XML database like eXist but does not serve our needs.
    Additionally, storing the archetypes in a relational fashion is not
    be our first choice. Therefore, I'm interested to learn if any of
    you has already spent some thoughts about best practices to split
    compositions into individual XML documents while keeping the
    relationship throughout different tables and/or rows. 





      Birger Haarbrandt, M.Sc.

      Peter L. Reichertz Institut f?r Medizinische Informatik

        Technische Universit?t Braunschweig und

        Medizinische Hochschule Hannover

        M?hlenpfordtstra?e 23

        D-38106 Braunschweig


        T +49 (0)531 391-2129

        F +49 (0)531 391-9502

        birger.haarbrandt at plri.de



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