Ralph van Etten schreef op 6-2-2014 9:45:
> At the moment only the functionality required for our use cases is
> implemented. For instance, OpenEHR allows archetype slots with
> wildcards. This is something we do not need for our usecases and
> therefore we have not implemented it yet. There are many things like this.
This brings in a little code-complexity.

I solved it by validating every part against its owns archetype, and 
check the archetype-id's against the wildcard, and if everything fits, 
then the parts can be glued together legally to one dataset, which was, 
in my case, an XML-dataset.

I think there is no other way, because you only know at runtime which 
archetype is going to be used in a slot.

I am afraid you cannot escape this use-case for long time. If I was you, 
I would prioritize this one.

good luck, I am sure you will succeed


> Eventually I think we will support all OpenEHR requirements but we are
> only planning to implement them when there is a need for them.
> Regards,
> Ralph van Etten
> MEDvision360

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