On Sat, Jan 17, 2015 at 11:37:52AM +0100, Diego Bosc? wrote:

> The thing is that as long as a code is returned, you know that the
> server is up and has given you a response based on your request. By
> the code you can tell you more things.
> 2xx messages tell you that the request was a success
> 4xx messages tell you that there was a client error
> 5xx messages tell you that there was a server error
> On your example 404 is correct because your client requested to delete
> an non existing resource, which is a client error.

What would be the error code for when the client attempts to
call a non-existing service on the server ?

>>> For example: DELET /demographics/party/{partyId}


>>> For example: DELETE /demographics/pardy/{partyId}

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