Thanks Sebastian for your reply. I have spotted some 
REST-implementations which use the HTTP-status to communicate 

They are mixing the network-layer (HTTP) with the application layer. It 
is a very old principle and I learned to not do this. I explained why, 

Here on this list we mainly have to do with implementers of REST, not 
REST designers. So what you see is that they all do as all do.

I want to take the question to a higher level of REST-architects, but I 
know they are not very responsive. So that can take some time and pushing.

I let you know. I am not satisfied with the practice I see here.

Best regards

On 17-01-15 21:27, Sebastian Iancu wrote:
> Hi Bert,
> I think Diego emails are right on spot and can give you some hints 
> about RESTful principles.
> Perhaps you should consider that, what you call  'service' is actually 
> the 'application' itself; than details about returned codes wont be 
> that weird anymore. Also, URLs are resource-refs rather than actions - 
> so a bad URL is generally a resource-not-found or a action-not-allowed.
> As far as I know, there are already few openEHR-REST-apis out there, 
> all behaving in a similar if not identical way in what regards 
> returned status codes.
> Sebastian
> On 1/17/2015 6:20 PM, Bert Verhees wrote:
>> On 17-01-15 11:56, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
>>> What would be the error code for when the client attempts to
>>> call a non-existing service on the server ?
>> Sorry that I come back to this once more. Karsten almost gave a good 
>> example, I want to explain my cause on a better but similar example.
>> The same problem also occurs with a GET. The REST-service from 
>> EHRScape returns a 404 when the party is not found, while the service 
>> to get the party is found.
>> GET /demographich/party/{partyid}
>> In my opinion it should return 200, the application-service to find 
>> the party is found, understood the request, so there is no 
>> HTTP-error, but the application returns that the party is not found.
>> This should be expressed in the result, not in the HTTP-status
>> So this is a better example, suppose the client calls the wrong 
>> server with this URL, he probably gets a 404 because the service 
>> cannot be found on that server.
>> So, if you make a REST-service giving back a 404 if the HTTP- runs 
>> fine, but the application cannot find something requested, you are 
>> giving an ambiguous message to the client, which cannot determine if 
>> there was a 404 on HTTP-level or a 404 on application-level.
>> I cannot imagine that the designers from RESTlet wanted this 
>> ambiguity. I think this is wrong.
>> Another reason why it is wrong to misuse the HTTP-status for 
>> communicating application errors is that there can be only one 
>> HTTP-status, and an application may want to communicate more errors.
>> Where do you put those errors? In the result-data?
>> Third reason for not using HTTP-status for application errors is that 
>> there is a limited number of HTTP-statusses, they have a meaning in 
>> the technical context of the HTTP-protocol.
>> Suppose you want to communicate an error for which you cannot find a 
>> good HTTP-number, what do you do?
>> So I think it is wrong to misuse the HTTP-status for communicating 
>> application results.
>> Now I am leaving this subject,  thanks Karsten for your support.
>> Best regards and have a nice day.
>> Bert
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