The point for me is separation of transport layer and application layer, 
and each domain has its own errorhandling.

I have made my choice. And it seems I am not the only one on the world 
with this choice, which is good news


pazospablo at schreef op 18-1-2015 om 19:52:
> The recommendations seem a little weak for me.
> 1. Most REST services can not be accessed just by typing the url in 
> the browser. What about security tokens? Or header values? Or sending 
> 2. No serious developer will use just the browser and not any other 
> tools. This is plain dumb. We use a bunch of tools for dev and test, 
> from packet sniffers and REST testers, to javascript consoles and log 
> analyzers.
> 3. REST services should be documented, so the developer knows for sure 
> what 404 means in each case and has the correct urls for every resource :)
> Sent from my LG Mobile
> ------ Original message------
> *From: *Bert Verhees
> *Date: *Sun, Jan 18, 2015 9:46 AM
> *To: *openehr-technical at 
> <mailto:openehr-technical at>;
> *Subject:*Re: CRUD Restlet
> For information:
> See therecommendations by Ethan Cerami: Specialties: Cancer genomics, 
> bioinformatics, scientific computing, software engineering, project 
> management.
> Read:
> Quoting:
> Conclusion:
>   * *Human Readable Error Messages:* Part of the major appeal of REST
>     based web services is that you can open any browser, type in the
>     right URL, and see an immediate response -- no special tools
>     needed. However, HTTP error codes do not always provide enough
>     information. For example, if we take option 1 above, and request
>     and invalid book ID, we get back a 404 Error Code. From the
>     developer perspective, have we actually typed in the wrong host
>     name, or an invalid book ID? It's not immediately clear. In Option
>     3 (DAS), we get back a blank page with no information. To view the
>     actual error code, you need to run a network sniffer, or point
>     your browser through a proxy. For all these reasons, I think
>     Option 4 has a lot to offer. It significantly lowers the barrier
>     for new developers, and enables all information related to a web
>     service to be directly viewable within a web browser.
>   * *Application Specific Errors:* Option 1 has the disadvantage of
>     not being directly viewable within a browser. It also has the
>     additional disadvantage of mapping all HTTP error codes to
>     application specific error codes. HTTP status codes are specific
>     to document retrieval and posting, and these may not map directly
>     to your application domain. For example, one of the DAS error
>     codes relates to invalid genomic coordinates (sequence coordinate
>     is out of bounds/invalid). What HTTP error code would we map to in
>     this case?
>   * *Machine Readable Error Codes:* As a third criteria, error codes
>     should be easily readable by other applications. For example, the
>     XooMLe application returns back only human readable error
>     messages, e.g. "Invalid Google API key supplied". An application
>     parsing a XooMLe response would have to search for this specific
>     error message, and this can be notoriously brittle -- for example,
>     the XooMLe server might simply change the message to "Invalid Key
>     Supplied". Error codes, such as those provided by DAS are
>     important for programmatic control, and easy creation of
>     exceptions. For example, if XooMLe returned a 1001 error code, a
>     client application could do a quick lookup and immediately throw
>     an /InvalidKeyException./
> Based on these three criteria, here's my vote for best error handling 
> option:
>   * Use HTTP Status Codes for problems specifically related to HTTP,
>     and not specifically related to your web service.
>   * When an error occurs, always return an XML document detailing the
>     error.
>   * Make sure the XML error document contains both an error code, and
>     a human readable error message. For example:
>     <error>
>     1001
>     <error_msg>Invalid Google API key supplied</error_msg>
>     </error>
> By following these three simple practices, you can make it 
> significantly easier for others to interface with your service, and 
> react when things go wrong. New developers can easily see valid and 
> invalid requests via a simple web browser, and programs can easily 
> (and more robustly) extract error codes and act appropriately.
> The <> web services API follows the 
> approach of returned XML document can specify an /ErrorMsg/ element.
> XooMLe also follows this approach. (XooMLe provides a RESTful API 
> wrapper to the existing SOAP based Google API).
> Another approach is by DAS ( Distributed Annotation System) which 
> always returns 200 if there was no HTTP-error and has error 
> information in the HTTP-header, which is less favorable, because it is 
> not human readable, as a browser does not display the HTTP-header.
> ---
> End Quoting
> Best regards
> Bert

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