On 27-11-15 10:23, Thomas Beale wrote:
there is no 'policy' about treating the Demographics specification as 'inferior'.
I think I need to explain how and why I thought that.

I found the message which caused my recollection that demographic information structures were regarded as inferior structures.
It was related to the OpenEHR Archetype Editor
My memory was not 100% correct regarding to this. But it had some point, see following messages.

Sam said that demographics were not part of the EHR, and so there was no need for the archetype-editor to support them.


In this message he also indicates that in the EHR can generic cluster-structures be used to store names and addresses.


Anyway, the Ocean Archetype-Editor (does it support demographics now?) is not the OpenEHR specification, it is just an implementation.

Sorry for my misunderstanding. It lived in my head for six years, and the message of Dimitry brought it to conscious level again.


No harm done, I hope


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