Having said that, I'm not sure current regex for archetype ids allows the
use of spaces or undescores on the rm part. I'll have to check that

2017-11-30 9:04 GMT-03:00 Diego Boscá <yamp...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Bert,
> I would say that the "rm name" would be "EHR_Extract", as it is the way
> the package is called in the documentation http://www.openehr.org/
> releases/RM/latest/docs/ehr_extract/ehr_extract.html (notice that
> demographics and EHR are the other package names).
> After that you would put the corresponding class name to constraint
> Regards
> 2017-11-30 8:55 GMT-03:00 Bert Verhees <bert.verh...@rosa.nl>:
>> Hi,
>> Since that it is so that some extract-classes derive from Locatable, they
>> can be used to use them as RM-class for an archetype-definition.
>> But how would the ArchetypeId look like, special the rmName. Would it be
>> something like openEHR-Extract-Extract........ ?
>> Thanks in advance for answering
>> Bert
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